
  • 网络No image and black print
  1. 黑片糖不含人造色素、化学添加剂,但有丰富的矿物质。

    Brown cane sugar is free of additional dyes , chemicals , higher mineral content .

  2. 在晶体硅太阳电池薄片化发展及组件的生产过程中,存在许多缺陷问题,如碎片、断栅、黑片、花片、隐裂、虚焊、色差、脏污等。

    While the development of thin slices of crystalline silicon solar cells with the module manufacturing process cause many defects , such as cracks , off-grid , non-uniform resistance , flower slice and so on .

  3. 木匠们先是注意到大象一瘸一拐地,然后发现它肿了的脚上穿透出来的长长的黑檀木片。

    They noticed that the Elephant was limping , and then they saw the long blackwood splinter sticking out of his swollen foot .

  4. 戈马灰黑一片,建在碎玻璃般坚硬而支支棱棱的火山玄武岩上,绿色的嫩芽只能挣扎着钻出地面。

    Goma itself was a black and grey place , a town built on volcanic basalt tough as broken glass through which green shoots struggled to grow .

  5. 什锦果仁本质上是一种健康食品。生坚果、黑巧克力片、脱糖干果在一定程度上都是对你有益的。

    In essence , trail mix can be a healthy choice raw nuts , dark chocolate pieces and unsweetened dried fruit are all good for you in moderation .

  6. 黑顺片、白附片二者差别在酯型生物碱含量大小,0.25-1小时也比较稳定。

    And in the BPRA and WPRA , the differences of both are different contents in the ester alkaloids content and aconitine 0.25-1 hour also quite is stable .

  7. 对具有营养保健功能的黑甜玉米片的加工工艺进行了初步探讨。

    Research Advances on the Nourishment and Health Protection of Radices Puerarire ;

  8. 按照黑甜玉米片浆:牛乳

    Research on Fermented Milk with Black Sweet Corn Flakes

  9. 这时,头顶已是黑朦朦一片,月亮早就爬上树梢了。

    The moon had already climbed up above trees .

  10. 整个世界象是黑荡荡一片虚无缥渺。

    The whole world seemed to be black nothingness .

  11. 膨化型黑玉米香酥片的工艺研究

    Study on processing of black maize crisp

  12. 全城都黑漆一片。

    The whole town is blacked out .

  13. 该预告片在北美地区的流量为3940万,其它绝大部分流量则来自于32个海外地区和国家,这其中包括英国、墨西哥和法国,在这些海外地区,《五十度黑》预告片的流量为7460万。

    Darker was viewed 39.4 million times in North America but the majority of online views came from over 32 international markets like the U.K. , Mexico and France , where the spot received 74.6 million official views .

  14. 《五十度黑》的预告片是在太平洋时区本周三早上8点发布的,发布平台包括全部的数字平台--YouTube、Facebook和Instagram等。

    The spot debuted on Sep.14 at 8 a.m. PT , and racked up its multimillion view count across all digital platforms - YouTube , Facebook , Instagram etc.

  15. 现年40岁的瑞切尔•薇兹曾在2005年以《不朽的园丁》一片摘得奥斯卡最佳女配角奖,41岁的达伦•阿罗诺夫斯基曾执导影片《摔角王》,最新动作为《黑天鹅》一片。二人相恋九年却没有结婚。

    Weisz , 40 , who won a best supporting actress Oscar for the 2005 movie " The Constant Gardener , " and Aronofsky , 41 , the director of " The Wrestler " and new release " Black Swan " were together for nine years but did not marry .