
  • 网络Integrated Marketing Theory;Conformity marketing theory
  1. 自从杰瑞·麦卡锡于1960年首次提出营销的4P理论后,许多专家学者陆续在此基础上提出了4C理论、4R理论、整合营销理论等大量营销理论。

    After Jerry ? Mcarthy first proposed the 4P theory in 1960 , many experts scholars proposed the 4C theory , the 4R theory and the joint marketing theory etc.

  2. 以4C理论为基础的整合营销理论,强调企业高度一致化,讲求系统化管理,强调企业营销活动的协调性。

    Based on 4C-theory , the theory of integrated marketing emphasizes high standardization in the line of industry , stresses on systematic management , and strives for the coordination of enterprise marketing activities .

  3. 文章第五部分创新营销理论4C组合&网络整合营销理论结合网络市场营销的特点,介绍和总结了以舒尔兹教授为代表的一批营销学者从顾客需求的角度出发,提出的4C组合市场营销理论。

    Combination the characters of Cyber-marketing , the fifth part of this article " Innovative Marketing Theory 4C Combination - Integrated Cyber-marketing " introduces and summarizes " 4C Combination " brought forward by some marketing scholars .

  4. 结合整合营销理论发展的概况,从4P到4C再到IMC整合营销传播的发展历程,探讨了整合营销传播下品牌建设的原则。

    The general situation of combination integration sale theoretical development , the development that goes to IMC integration sale propagation again from 4P to 4C course , have discussed the principle that integration sale propagation takes off brand construction .

  5. 整合营销理论在中国企业中的应用

    Application of integrated marketing theory in our nation 's enterprise

  6. 运用整合营销理论指导奢侈品营销

    Guide Luxury Goods Marketing with Integrated Marketing Theory

  7. 整合营销理论对我国电信行业营销活动的开展产生了广泛的影响。

    Integrated Marketing Theory has a big influence for the marketing activities of Chinese telecom companies .

  8. 指出网络整合营销理论的决策过程是一个双向的链,一个闭环过程。

    It points out that decision-making process of Integrated Cyber-marketing is a bi-directional chain and a close loop process .

  9. 文章的结论部分强调应该将奥运营销看作一个整体,并用整合营销理论进行指导。

    In the conclusion , it is suggested that during the process of Olympic marketing , we should consider it as a whole and use the theory of Integrated Marketing to guide it .

  10. 对新产品上市的运作管理给予充分认识,灵活运用整合营销理论,作到在恰当的时机,恰当的地点,给恰当的消费者提供恰当的新产品。

    Giving sufficient cognition to operation management of new product launch , skillfully handling IMC theory so as to launch new product in right opportunity , at right place , to provide right product for right consumer .

  11. 同时,运用房地产整合营销理论来对个案进行实际操盘分析,使理论与实践相互印证,希望对苏州房地产企业在逆市下的健康发展有所帮助。

    Meanwhile , the real estate marketing plan real estate operations to support integrated marketing theory , the theory and practice , reflection , hope the real estate enterprises in Suzhou and healthy development under market trends help .

  12. 论文在研究和分析整合营销理论的兴起和发展基础上,界定了整合营销的概念,总结了整合营销的内涵,提出了整合营销的模型。

    Papers in the study and analysis of the emergence and development of integrated marketing theory basis , the definition of the concept of integrated marketing , integrated marketing summarizes the content of the proposed integrated marketing model .

  13. 随着整合营销理论和精确营销理论的提出以及信息技术的突飞猛进,以个人信息的收集和处理为基础的定向广告的应用日益广泛。

    With the rapid development of IT , the integrated marketing theory and precise marketing theory were proposed . The application of targeted advertising which based on the collection and disposal of personal information was used more widely .

  14. 在介绍了整合营销理论及整合营销与奥运的切合点之后,作者针对奥运前、中、后三个时期提出了具体的营销措施。

    After introducing the basic theory of integrated marketing and the linkage between this theory and the Olympic Games , the author puts forward the specific measures to do Olympic marketing for three periods ; those are the pre-Olympics , the mid-Olympics , the post-Olympics .

  15. 本文运用整合营销理论,分析旅游目的地的整合营销策略,主要分析旅游目的地形象的整合、营销组合策略的整合以及品牌信息传播的整合。

    This paper analyses the marketing strategy of the destinations , using the soul of the IMC theory , and mainly promotes three kinds of integration : the tourism destination image integration , the strategy integration of marketing mix and the integration of brand information dissemination .

  16. 为了适应房地产买方市场的形成,需要在房地产营销中引入新的营销理念,而整合营销理论的运用则为房地产营销创新提供了一个契机。

    To suit the establishment of the market to sell the real estate , innovative theory should be introduced into the real estate marketing , and the application of integrated marketing communication ( IMC ) theory provides a chance for the innovation of real estate marketing .

  17. 分析农村图书的特点,总结农村图书的发展历程3.在整合营销理论的基础上,本文阐述了整合营销农村图书与整合营销理念的契合,分析整合营销对农村图书发展的影响作用。

    Analyze the trait of rural book , summarize its development course . 3 . On the ground of Integrated marketing , this paper analyze the rural books correspond to Integrated marketing theory . Analysis the influences of integrated marketing theory that on rural books marketing . 4 .

  18. 接着,运用整合营销理论提出了对三菱重工企业文化整合、组织整合、传播整合的思想,从而达到最优化配置三菱营销资源,有效地增加三菱市场竞争力。

    Then , have used and combined the marketing theory and proposed combining the corporate culture of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd , the organization combines , propagate the thought combined , thus reach and distribute marketing resources of Mitsubishi rationally most , increase the competitiveness of Mitsubishi market effectively .

  19. 为此,西方学者提出了一种新的营销理论,即整合营销传播理论(IntegratedMarketingCommunication简称为IMC)。

    Therefore , some scholars in western countries have come up with a new theory called Integrated Marketing Communication ( IMC ) .

  20. 整合营销4C理论与电视广告营销

    Integrate 4C of Marketing Theory with Marketing of TV Ads

  21. 整合营销4C理论下服装定制营销策略初探

    Preliminary Study of Custom-Made Market Strategy for Integrated Marketing 4Cs

  22. 本文采用理论研究和案例分析相结合的方法,应用整合营销传播理论,对商务印书馆这一著名出版社进行案例研究,探讨用IMC战略重构商务印书馆营销传播体系的必要性和可行性。

    This thesis will conduct a case study of the famous Chinese publisher-the Commercial Press and explore the necessity and feasibility of restructuring its marketing communication system with IMC ( Integrated Marketing Communication ) strategies .

  23. 此外,本文还通过分析整合营销传播理论下的4C理论框架,重新认识4C理论中的沟通策略(Communication),并将促销组合策略引入到二手房中介公司的营销传播活动中。

    In addition , though explaining the framework of the IMC theory , we may refresh our understanding of the communication strategies in 4C theory and introduce the sales promotion combination strategy into the marketing spreading activities of the second-hand house trading agents .

  24. 以整合营销传播理论论述了要从目标消费人群的角度评估广告效果;

    To evaluate advertising effects from the point of target audience ;

  25. 试论整合营销传播理论在城市行销中的运用

    A Tentative Analysis of IMC Application on City Marketing

  26. 整合营销传播理论对我国民营企业发展的影响

    The Integrated Marketing Communications Theory and the Development of the People Managed Enterprises

  27. 整合营销传播理论在电视频道品牌战略中的应用

    The Application of Integrated Marketing Communication Theory to the TV Channel 's Brand Strategy

  28. 第2章是相关理论综述。对整合营销传播理论和促销组合理论进行了介绍。

    Chapter 2 Related Theories , theories of integrated marketing communication and marketing mix theories .

  29. 尔佳:整合营销从理论到实践

    ENJOY Arrangement marketing from theory to practice

  30. 首先,文章将对影视节庆活动基础理论和整合营销传播理论做一次系统地梳理。

    Firstly , did some systematic and orderly arrangement about the film festival and the Integrated Marketing Communication Theory .