
  • 网络Overall translation;monolithic translation
  1. 多层框架整体平移后隔震连接的减震性能研究

    Research on Seismic Reduction Behavior of Isolation Connection After Monolithic Translation of Multistoried Frame Structure

  2. 在七层框架结构办公楼的整体平移设计中,大轴力框架柱托换体系设计、大承载能力滚轴设计和行走基础设计是三项关键内容。

    There are three key issues in the monolithic translation of a seven-storied office building of frame construction , including the designs of frame column underpin system , high-performance roller and translation foundation .

  3. 本文提出了构成N阶魔方方阵的简易方法,介绍了本文方法&整体平移法的实质及奇N阶正交表的建立,讨论了本文方法的实际应用的前景。

    In this paper a simple method tor establishing the magic square matrix and orthogonal table of singular N order is proposed . The application of proposed method is discussed .

  4. 漳州广电HFC网络模数整体平移实施方案

    The Project Implement of HFC Net A / D Whole Move of Broadcast and Television in Zhangzhou

  5. 国内基于DVB-C的有线数字电视正处在整体平移的过程中。

    Based on DVB-C , cable digital television is in the process of the overall translation in China .

  6. 有线数字电视机顶盒是用户接收数字电视和CATV宽带综合业务的终端平台,也是实现有线电视向数字化整体平移的战略跳板;

    CATV STB is not only an end-platform of digital television and integrated services based on CATV , but also the most significant gangplank of holistic shifting to digital television .

  7. 中国的有线电视目前正在逐步向数字化方向迈进,因此HFC网络由原来的只承载模拟频道的传输,过渡到模拟频道和数字频道同时传输,最终实现模拟频道向数字频道整体平移。

    CATV in China is stepping to the digitization , hence the channel loading of HFC networking is from the pure analog channels to the mixed mode of analog and digital channels , even move to the pure digital channels loading in the future .

  8. 较详细地介绍了采用整体平移技术将一幢不规则平面的六层砖混结构房屋向后平移10.4m的情况,并进行了经济效益分析。可供同类工程参考。

    The process of monolithic movement of a six-storey irregular building with brick and concrete composite structure is introduced , its economic effect is also analysed .

  9. 分析了基于DVB-C的有线数字电视前端传输平台的组成及各种设备的选型等,最后简单介绍了漳州广电模数整体平移以及平移时应注意的一些问题。

    The compose of cable digital TV head-end transmission platform based on DVB-C , the right choice of various equipment and so on were introduced in this paper , the A / D whole move and some questions were discussed .

  10. 建筑物整体平移技术在城市改造中的应用

    The application of monolithic removal technique of building in urban adaptation

  11. 降低单层混合建筑整体平移造价的技术措施

    Technical Measures of Lowering Project Cost for Single-floor Building Integral Displacement

  12. 东台市卫生局7层住宅楼整体平移设计

    Monolithic Moving Design for Seven-Story Building of Dongtai Board of Health

  13. 多层组合结构建筑的整体平移旋转技术

    Migration and Rotation Technique of Whole Building of Multistory Composite Structure

  14. 我国建筑物整体平移技术及工程应用进展

    Development of the Building Monolithic Movement Technology and Engineering in China

  15. 建筑物整体平移中的滚轴及其应用研究

    Research of the roller and its application in the building removal

  16. 铁塔整体平移方法受力计算及其应用

    The Strength Calculation of Moving the Whole Tower and its Application

  17. 七层框架结构办公楼整体平移工程设计

    Monolithic Translation Design of a Seven-storey Office Building of Frame Construction

  18. 六层不规则砖混结构房屋整体平移技术

    Technique of Integral Movement of Six Storeys Irregular Building with Mixed Structure

  19. 房屋整体平移是一项复杂的技术。

    Horizontal removal of a building is a complex technology .

  20. 建筑物整体平移工程的可靠度计算和风险评估

    Reliability calculation and risk assessment of integral building translation work

  21. 建筑联合体整体平移的基础处理技术

    Foundation treatment technique for monolithic shift of a building group

  22. 建筑整体平移后桩基的设计处理

    The Pile-foundation Design and Disposal After the Building Translation Entirety

  23. 基于数字电视整体平移的遥控器的选择之我见

    Opinion of the Choices of Remote Controller of Integral Subrogation of Digital TV

  24. 数字整体平移后正向激光发送机的正确激励

    Correct Driving of Forward Laser Transmitter after Total Digital Transition of Television Network

  25. 目前建筑物整体平移技术得到了越来越广泛的关注。

    At now and more attention wsa given to building monolithic movement technology .

  26. 建筑物整体平移工程轨道沉降与沉降差的计算方法

    Calculating method of settlement and settlement difference of track for building monolithic moving engineering

  27. 江南大酒店整体平移工程的设计

    Design of Horizontal Movement Engineering of Jiangnan Hotel

  28. 潞安矿务局常村煤矿主井大型箱式井架整体平移

    The Integral Advection of Main Shaft Giant Box Well Frame in Changchun Coal Mine

  29. 吴忠宾馆整体平移工程设计与实施

    Monolithic Shift Design and Practice of Wuzhong Hotel

  30. 建筑物整体平移新技术施工中的质量管理和工期管理

    Quality control and time control of new construction technology in building monolithic moving project