
zhěng fù
  • reduction;restitution;taxis
整复[zhěng fù]
  1. 方法:经肛门插入Foley气囊导管,连接脉冲灌肠整复仪,先行诊断性空气灌肠,确诊为肠套叠后行脉冲空气整复,难复型结合手法按摩,本组病例气压选择在8~16KPa之间。

    Methods : The foley sacculus proprius duct was inserted into rectum and connected with pulse enema taxis instrument . All case were made with pulse air pressure taxis after pediatric acute intussusception was clear diagnosis by diagnostic air enema .

  2. 单侧唇裂整复术中红唇的美容修复探讨

    The discussing of labellum cosmetology in taxis of single cleft lip

  3. 三维CT重建后手法整复肱骨髁上骨折12例

    Three-dimensional CT reconstruction assisted manipulative reduction of humeral supracondylar fracture : 12 cases report

  4. EC胶加明胶海绵用于腭裂整复术的疗效观察

    Effect of EC Glue and Glutin sponge in reparation of cleft palate

  5. 目的探讨经下睑睫毛缘下皮肤切口于鼻内窥镜下经筛窦联合入路行羟基磷灰石(HA)复合体整复眶爆裂性骨折的临床效果。

    Objective To study the clinical effect of orbit blowout fracture reconstruction through nasal endoscope .

  6. 方法在C臂X线机监视下分别从尺骨鹰嘴及桡骨远端闭合穿针、手法整复,配合石膏托外固定治疗三段性尺桡骨骨干骨折24例。

    Methods 24 cases of 3 segments radioulnar fractures were treated with closed reduction , percutaneous pinning under C-arm image intensifier and plaster splint immobilization .

  7. 结论:以小切口直视下整复骨折,用G-K髓内钉治疗股骨、胫骨骨折是一良好方法。

    Conclusion : Gross-Kemp interlocking marrow nail through a small cut is an effective method in the treatment of femur and tibia fracture .

  8. 目的:观察EC胶+明胶海绵应用于腭裂整复术的疗效。

    Objective To observe the effect of EC Glue and Glutin sponge in reparation of cleft palate .

  9. 方法:建立兔下颌骨缺损动物模型,应用TGF-β1/HA作为实验组,单纯HA载体材料和空白组作为对照,整复下颌骨缺损。

    Method : Mandibular defect models were made on 20 rabbits , by which TGF - β 1 / HA was used for experimental groups .

  10. 手法整复治疗是纠正C2棘突偏歪变化的有效手段,其治疗效果明显优于牵引治疗;

    Moreover , manipulative reduction proved to be the valid measure that it put right the setover of the Spinous process of axis ( C2 ) , and the effect was obviously super to traction therapy .

  11. 手法整复结合有限手术治疗Pilon骨折49例分析

    Analysis of 49 cases with Tibia Pilon Fractures Treated by Manipulation and Limited Operation

  12. 目的构建人软骨蛋白聚糖(aggrecan)探针,应用于整复外科研究中Northern法对AggrecanmRNA表达水平的检测。

    Objective To construct Northern hybridization probe for quantitative analysis of aggrecan mRNA expression level in plastic surgery research .

  13. 对AF系统整复压缩爆裂骨折椎体高度及椎管横截面的观测

    Result of AF spinal system in restoring the height of thoracolumbar compressive burst fractured vertebrae and the cross-sectional area of spinal canal

  14. 结果:E组在麻醉优良率、起效时间、手法整复时间上优于B组(P<0.05)。

    Results : It is much better in the rate of anesthesia choiceness , the time of appear effect , the period of operation that the group E than the group B ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 改良Kocher复位法整复肩关节脱位

    Modified Kocher procedure for the treatment of shoulder dislocation

  16. 方法:轻度患者一般采用五瓣法或Z成形术整复,重度患者采用肩胛旁轴型皮瓣,侧胸岛状皮瓣或全厚皮加邻近皮瓣整复术。

    Methods : Repair surgery treatment of mild cases with the 5-flap procedure and Z-plasty that of severe cases with parascapular plap and lateral thoracic island or a local rotational flap plus free skin graft .

  17. Colles骨折整复后第三日桡骨长度丢失较大,至第三周达到最高峰,之后变化不明显,至第四周趋于稳定。

    The third day after Colles fracture reconstructive radial length is larger , to the third week lost after peak , does not change significantly .

  18. 手法复位治疗全髋置换术后的关节脱位改良Kocher复位法整复肩关节脱位

    Closed manipulation reduction of hip dislocation following total hip arthroplasty Modified Kocher procedure for the treatment of shoulder dislocation

  19. 论断合理挑选不一样切除缝合径路医治OMZ骨折,可以获得令人满意的整复效果和功能还原。

    Conclusion Reasonable choice of different surgical approaches to OMZ fracture treatment can reach a desirable restoration result and functional recovery .

  20. 本研究对临床植入可切削生物活性玻璃陶瓷整复颌面畸形患者,进行了术前术后免疫球蛋白IgG、IgA、IgM,补体成分C3、C4和循环免疫复合物的检测。

    The levels of the immunoglobulins ( IgG , IgA , IgM ), complements ( C_3 , C_4 ) and circulat - ing immune complex ( CIC ) of the patients were measured before and after implantation of the machin - able bioactive glass ceramics in maxillofacial surgery .

  21. 目的:以SpO2评估3~6月先天性唇裂患儿唇裂整复术的安全性。

    Objective : To explore reliability in these 3 ~ 6 months old patients with cleft lip undergoing taxis by SpO2 and to estimate the tolerance and reliability of patients during taxis .

  22. MSCT通过重建技术能够清晰显示Pilon骨折的全貌(立体结构)为临床医务人员制定诊疗计划、手术入路、术中整复、是否植骨等提供了可靠的依据。

    MSCT can clearly show by reconstruction technique the whole of Pilon fractures ( three-dimensional structure ) for clinical diagnosis and medical personnel , and formulate plans and surgical approaches , whether such reduction bone graft provides the reliable basis .

  23. 作者研究了唇腭裂婴幼儿的营养状况与唇裂整复术后刀口感染的关系以及18&氨基酸注射液、ATP与葡萄糖预防Ⅰ°营养不良患儿刀口感染的效果。

    By using the method of case-control study , the authors studied the relationship between the nutrition of cleft lip-palate infants and the incision infection after operation , and the effect of preventing incision infection in the infants with malnutrition I ° by 18 - injectio amino acidi .

  24. 结论:术前准备充分、显露途径熟悉、良好的手术整复工具、解剖复位及适时手术,是提高APWF治疗效果的关键。

    Conclusion : Sufficient preoperative preparation , grasp of approaches , suitable stool for fracture reduction , anatomical reduction and timely surgery are keys to improve results of the APWF surger .

  25. 方法对42例牙槽突裂患者采用自体髂骨松质骨填充牙槽裂隙,恢复鼻翼基底和鼻侧区高度,同时利用鼻前庭黏膜软骨复合组织瓣V-Y推进法整复鼻畸形。

    Methods To 42 patients with cleft of alveolar process , we filled cleft of alveolar process with cancellous bone grafting of iliac bone and repaired basal part of alae nasi . A V-Y plasty of mucosa - cartilage compound flap of nasal vestibule was used to repair nasal deformity .

  26. 手法整复加外固定治疗孟氏骨折

    Treatment of Monteggia ' fractures by manipulative reduction and external fixation

  27. 会阴肛周瘢痕挛缩的整复治疗

    Plastic and Reconstructive Therapy of Contracture Deformity of Perineal Crissal Scar

  28. 小下颌畸形梗阻性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的整复治疗

    Mandibular advancement for the treatment of micrognathia with obstructive sleep apnea

  29. 改良T形软骨瓣法杯状耳整复术

    Improved method of tumbling concha-cartilage flap for correction of cupped ear

  30. 腭裂整复术282例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of plastic operations on 282 cases of cleft palate