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  • plastic surgeon
  1. 整形外科医生可以除去最表层的皮肤。

    A plastic surgeon can remove the top layer of skin .

  2. 金钟学曾向24集的《信义》(Faith)投入数百万美元,最终遭遇商业失败,而愤怒的剧组人员向他追讨被拖欠的薪酬。该剧讲述的是一位整形外科医生穿越时空回到过去的故事。

    Mr Kim had invested millions of dollars in Faith – a 24-part drama about a plastic surgeon who travels back in time – only to find himself facing a commercial flop and an angry cast pursuing him for unpaid wages .

  3. 例如:32岁的Buttram在生育后无法通过锻炼恢复体形,她选择进行了隆胸术和腹部拉皮手术,整形外科医生称之为“妈咪整容术”。

    Unable to regain5 her old shape through exercise , Buttram , 32 , opted6 for breast augmentation and a tummy tuck , popular procedures in what plastic surgeons have dubbed7 “ the mommy makeover . ”

  4. 其他亟需的还有整形外科医生,内科医生和X射线设备。

    Other critical needs are specialists in orthopedic and internal medicine and X-ray equipment .

  5. 来看看萨沙(Sascha)的经历&她是我一位朋友的女儿,在曼哈顿一家医院为一名忙碌的整形外科医生做助手。

    Consider Sascha & a friend 's daughter who worked as an assistant to a busy orthopedist in a Manhattan hospital .

  6. 来看看萨沙(Sascha)的经历——她是我一位朋友的女儿,在曼哈顿一家医院为一名忙碌的整形外科医生做助手。

    Consider Sascha -- a friend 's daughter who worked as an assistant to a busy orthopedist in a Manhattan hospital .

  7. 纽约市一名整形外科医生诺曼o罗博士对ABC电视台(ABCTV)表示,有许多男性来他的诊所注射肉毒杆菌,并特别提出整容手术的要求,以获得他所称的“华尔街皱纹”。

    Dr. Norman Rowe , a New York City plastic surgeon , told ABC TV that he 's already seeing men come through his office for Botox , specifically asking for a procedure that will provide what he calls " that Wall Street Wrinkle . "

  8. 正在威胁着某个不幸的整形外科医生呢。

    Making life miserable for some unfortunate plastic surgeon .

  9. 吉利斯把整形外科医生看作是雕塑家。

    Gillies saw the plastic surgeon as a sculptor .

  10. 他是全国最好的整形外科医生之一。

    The man is one of the finest plastic surgeons in this country .

  11. 保乳术后的美学结果由整形外科医生和患者分别作出自己独立的评价。

    Treated breast were scored by the plastic surgeon and the patient independently .

  12. 你想做个整形外科医生。

    You want to be a piastic surgeon .

  13. 我是整形外科医生。

    Woman : I 'm a plastic surgeon .

  14. 他是个整形外科医生。

    He is a plastic surgery specialist .

  15. 与您的地区委员会认证的整形外科医生咨询,审查该选项。

    Consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in your area to review this option .

  16. 塑胶整形外科医生能买下所有这些?

    Plastic surgery bought all this ?

  17. 我是个整形外科医生,我也一直在寻找一张像你这样的脸。

    I 'm a plastic surgeon , I 've been looking for a face like yours .

  18. 整形外科医生称赞这项决定。

    Plastic surgeons applauded the decision .

  19. 我出院之前,整形外科医生曾断言,说我的腿脚永远再也不会像从前那样灵便了。

    Before I left the hospital the orthopedic surgeon said I would never have the same mobility .

  20. 据国际整形外科医生协会统计,韩国人是世界上整形程度最高的人。

    South Koreans are the most cosmeticallyenhanced people in the world , according to the International Society ofAesthetic Plastic Surgeons .

  21. 目的:面部皮肤的松弛问题,一直是困扰广大爱美人士的问题,也是整形外科医生最想解决的问题。

    Objective : Cutis laxa of face is a puzzled problem for both plastic surgeons and vast people who loved beauty .

  22. 他说,如果说有10名整形外科医生,那就还有另外100名没有资质的医生。

    If there are 10 plastic surgeons out there , there are another 100 who are not qualified , he said .

  23. 除了欧米茄形象大使的工作外,在整形外科医生的帮助下,她还在为自己的护肤品工作。

    Aside from being an Omega ambassador , she is working on her own skincare product with the help of plastic surgeon .

  24. 面积较大的体表良性肿瘤切除后,继发缺损的修复是困绕整形外科医生的难题。

    ObjectiveTo summarize the effect of using the skin soft tissue expansion technique to repair the defect after excising superficial benign tumors .

  25. 我想我永远不会出现,因为我的冻结肩整形外科医生,当我达到特定年龄。

    I guess I will never have to see orthopedic doctors because of my frozen shoulder when I reach that particular age .

  26. 在法国,一位护士和一名整形外科医生各自都传染了一名病人。

    And in France a nurse is known to have passed on the virus to one patient and an orthopaedic surgeon infected another .

  27. 这些公司在2007年所付的咨询费为2.5亿美元,这些钱中有62%都装进了41位整形外科医生的腰包。

    The companies almost $ 250 million in 2007 for consulting , about 62 percent of which went to only 41 orthopedic surgeons .

  28. 整形外科医生罗伯特·萨博称新的程序已经帮助他发现病人的病因。

    The new procedure has already helped him find out what is causing problems for his patients , said orthopaedic surgeon Robert Szabo .

  29. 手术风险虽然有不同,但研究者调查由执业资格的美国整形外科医生进行该类手术的死亡率为20/10万。

    Estimates of risk vary , but researchers surveying board-certified plastic surgeons in the United States calculated a mortality rate of20 deaths per100,000 liposuction cases .

  30. 在您的整形外科医生,详细的病史和体检咨询会允许剪裁为你手术技术进一步。

    During your consultation with a plastic surgeon , a detailed medical history and physical examination will permit tailoring the surgical technique further for you .