
  • 网络Flap transplantation;flap graft;skin flap transplantation;Grafts and Flaps;transplantation of flaps
  1. 数字减影血管造影术在烧伤病人皮瓣移植中的应用

    Application of digital subtraction angiography to skin flap transplantation of burn patients

  2. 白细胞的流变行为对皮瓣移植的影响

    The influence of leukocyte rheology on the skin flap transplantation

  3. CT血管造影及可视化研究在背阔肌肌皮瓣移植中的临床应用

    Application of computed tomography angiography in visualize of latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap transplantation

  4. DSA检查可提高带血管皮瓣移植术的成功率;

    This can improve the successful rate of skin flap grafting .

  5. 结论皮瓣移植前DSA检查对皮瓣移植术式的选择及手术的成功有重要意义。

    Conclusion Skin flap DSA is important to the success of operation .

  6. Wistar大鼠皮瓣移植前后FGF受体分布变化

    The Distributive Variation of the FGF-R before and after the Skin Flap Transplantation in Wistar Rats

  7. S-100吸收性止血绫于兔皮肤、皮瓣移植术中的应用观察

    Application of S-100 absorbent hemostatic satin in transplantations of full-thickness skin and random flap in rabbits

  8. 皮瓣移植前后FGF受体分布特点

    The Distributive Characterization of the FGF-R before and after the Flap Transplantation

  9. 临床上在设计全厚皮片移植术、局部皮瓣移植术时,要考虑Langer皮纹方向上皮片、皮瓣及供皮创口的显著收缩。

    And it should be considered when free skin graft and local skin flap transfer were designed clinically .

  10. 目的检测随意皮瓣移植时,皮瓣局部组织中的血小板激活因子(PAF)水平,探讨其在皮瓣移植过程中的作用机制。

    AIM To examine the levels of platelet-activating factor within the skin flap tissue , and to evaluate the possible benefit and to investigate the mechanism of effect of platelet-activating factor antagonism in the survival of random flap .

  11. 结果A组距创缘3cm处的血管内皮细胞大部分脱落,动脉内弹力膜大部分消失;5例血管吻合皮瓣移植均失败。

    Results Falling off of most vascular endothelial cells and the disappearance of most internal elastic membrane of the artery were observed 3 cm from the wounded area in group A with 5 free flaps died .

  12. 同时计算机检索CNKI数据库1996-01/2006-10有关小腿带腓肠神经远端筋膜蒂皮瓣移植的文章,检索词腓肠神经,皮瓣,筋膜,小隐静脉,并对检索词进行分别组合,限定文章语言种类为中文。

    Meanwhile , the Chinese relevant articles published in CNKI from January 1996 to October 2006 were also searched by imputing the keywords of " sural nerve , flap , fascia , lesser saphena ", with the organized the keywords .

  13. 改良开放植骨创面小、愈合时间短、不需要植皮或皮瓣移植,与Papineau方法相比优势显著。

    The modified bone grafting yields a minor wound surface which has a shorter healing time without demanding skin grafting or flap graft compared with Papineau method .

  14. 方法对28例合并软组织缺损的开放性胫腓骨折联合应用骨外固定架与皮瓣移植治疗,其中皮肤缺损面积最大12cm×7cm,最小5cm×5cm,骨缺损8例。

    Methods 28 cases were treated by external fixator and skin flap grafting , and among them 8 cases were examined to have defect of bones . The largest skin defect area was 12 cm × 7 cm and the smallest was 5 cm × 5 cm .

  15. 带蒂髂腹部皮瓣移植修复手部软组织缺损

    Pedicle iliac abdominal flap for repair of hand soft tissue defects

  16. 目的:通过动物实验,观察无神经支配的皮瓣移植术后感觉神经有无再生及其再生规律。

    Objective : To observe whether the sensory nerve can regenerate .

  17. 吻合血管的大鱼际皮瓣移植修复手指软组织缺损

    Free vascularized thenar flap graft repairing the soft tissue digital defects

  18. 小腿桥式皮瓣移植手术及其功能康复

    The Leg Bridge - flap Grafting and Rehabilitation of the Function

  19. 小腿内侧皮瓣移植治疗腕部高压电烧伤

    Shank Inboard Skin Petal Transplant and Treat High-tension Electricity of Wrist Burn

  20. 皮瓣移植在手部急诊创伤修复中的应用

    Application of skin flap grafting to the emergency repair of hand wounds

  21. 皮瓣移植术后血循环障碍的早期诊断方法

    The forepart diagnosing method of blood cycle obstacle after skinny displace OPS

  22. 吻合血管游离皮瓣移植后皮肤再扩张的实验研究

    Experimental study of skin expansion of the grafted free vascularized skin flap

  23. 便携式多普勒血管探测仪在皮瓣移植中的应用

    Applying the vascular Doppler detector on the skin flap tansplantation

  24. 足背游离皮瓣移植6例报告

    Free dorsalis pedis skin flap transfer report of 6 cases

  25. 软组织缺损断指再植的皮瓣移植

    Flap transfers for repairing soft tissue defects in digital replantation

  26. 1例桥式交叉游离背阔肌肌皮瓣移植术的围手术期护理

    Perioperative nursing of a patient undergoing cross-bridge transplantation of latissimus dorsi flaps

  27. 预扩张动脉岛状皮瓣移植修复面部缺损20例

    Expanded artery island skin flap transplantation for face injury in 20 cases

  28. 同种异体动脉移植在游离皮瓣移植中应用研究

    A study of the application on ARTERI-AL allograft in canine free flap

  29. 动脉化静脉皮瓣移植的实验研究及临床应用

    Experimental study and clinical application of arterialized venous skin flap

  30. 皮瓣移植及静脉吻合修复手部严重皮肤撕脱伤

    Flap transplantation and venous anastomosis repairs severe skin avulsion injury on hand