
  • 网络belt deviation;belt side skid
  1. 皮带运输机皮带跑偏的原因分析与改进

    Reason of The Belt Deviation of Belt Conveyor and the Way to Improve

  2. 由于传统带式输送机电气系统的启动加速度不平稳,容易引起皮带跑偏甚至撕裂皮带,造成安全事故,影响生产。

    Starting speed is unsmoothed in the traditional electrical drive system , which causes the belt off tracking or split and even safty accident .

  3. 辊能自动的调整皮带跑偏,确保皮带机正常运行,提高皮带秤的准确度。

    The roller can automatically regulate the deviation of the belt , can ensure the normal running of the belt machine , and can improve the precision of a belt scale .

  4. 皮带跑偏的原因多种多样,但最根本的原因在于驱动滚筒及张紧滚筒之间皮带两侧张力不均匀,使得皮带两侧对滚筒的压力不一致。

    The reasons for running deviation are various , but the fundamental reason is the belt uneven tension between driving and tensioner rollers , which causes uneven pressures on roller both sides .

  5. 通过采取这些措施,能够很好地起到预防纠正皮带跑偏的作用,更有效地提高了皮带运输机的工作效率,同时保证了皮带运输机的安全运行。

    It is easier to prevent belt running deviation and increase working efficiencies of rubber belt conveyor as well as guarantee the safe operation of the rubber belt conveyor through these methods .

  6. 试验结果表明:物料中的水分变化、物料成分变化、皮带跑偏以及物料堆形不同均可产生一定的计量误差;

    It is shown that the precision is related not only with the moisture content and composition of the coveyed materials , but also with the belt ′ s deviation and the evenness of the materials .

  7. 防止皮带运输机跑偏的措施

    Practice on averting the snaking of the belt conveyor

  8. 改造后解决了3皮带机跑偏难纠、检修困难的难题。

    The difficult problem of # 3 belt machine , running-bias and overhaul .

  9. 皮带输送机跑偏原因和处理

    On reasons of belt conveyor sheer-off and its treatment

  10. 皮带机跑偏原因分析及防偏技术研究

    Analysis on Reasons of Lateral Misalignment of Belt Conveyor and the Technology Avoiding Misalignment

  11. 堆取料机悬臂皮带机跑偏的解决方法

    Methods of adjusting the belt of stacker

  12. 独特的皮带防跑偏装置;

    Particular anti-meandering equipment for the belt ;

  13. 皮带输送机跑偏的防止

    Prevention of the conveyer belt deviating

  14. 针对平皮带的跑偏方向,本文结合实践,提出调偏的方法。并从理论上进行初探。

    In respect to the offset direction of flat belt , the paper presents the adjusting methods for deviation by combining practice and the preliminary analysis on theory .

  15. 从受力平衡的角度,分析皮带机跑偏的各种因素及常用纠偏方法的不足,研制了一种带传感装置的新型自动纠偏装置。

    In this paper , it analyzes all factors of running deflection on strap-machine , indicates the shortage of general rectifying deflection method , and develop a new automatic rectifying deflection device which is equipped with sen - sor .

  16. 皮带输送机胶带跑偏的原因及控制方法

    Reason Analysis of Belt Wandering in Belt Conveyor and its Control Method

  17. 调整皮带机胶带跑偏的方法

    Methods to Adjust Belt Lateral Misalignment of Belt Conveyor

  18. 综采面长距离皮带运输防跑偏管理技术

    Technique against runs of long distance conveying belt in the fully mechanized coal face

  19. 然后较为详细地从多个角度分析了皮带之所以发生跑偏的原因。

    The reason of rubber belt conveyor running deviation comparison is analyzed in various angles .

  20. 作者通过调查、试验及反复论证,从理论上分析了槽角增大对托辊式皮带输送机防止跑偏、纠正跑偏及爬坡能力的影响。

    Through a lot of investigation test and argumentation , the author analyzed theoretically the affection of trough angle increase to the anti deviation , retrieving deviation and climbing capability of roller belt conveyor .

  21. 文章介绍了珠海发电厂管式皮带使用过程中跑偏现象产生的原因,对皮带跑偏调整方法作了探索与阐述,并运用调偏方法解决珠海发电厂管式皮带存在的问题。

    This paper analyzes the reasons why pipe conveyer diverged its normal way while being used in Zhuhai Power Station , and introduces some adjusting methods which work on the pipe conveyer problems that Zhuhai Power Station confronted .