
pí liǎn
  • Leather face;shameless;naughty
皮脸 [pí liǎn]
  • (1) [blameless]

  • (2) 形容不知羞耻 b 〈方〉∶顽皮

皮脸[pí liǎn]
  1. 在这部电影中,“人皮脸”戴着一副人皮面具,杀害并用链锯肢解他无辜的受害者。

    In the film , Leatherface , wearing a mask made of human skin , kills and mutilates his innocent victims using a chainsaw .

  2. 一个精神病学组织声明,希腊电影发行者同意在电影放映之前播放一则简短的提示,指出剧中的“人皮脸”并非精神分裂症患者。

    One of the Greek psychiatric groups said the Greek film distributor had agreed to run a short notice before the film pointing out that Leatherface was not schizophrenic .