
pí máo
  • fur;coat;superficial knowledge;skin and hair;pelage
皮毛 [pí máo]
  • (1) [fur]∶带毛兽皮的总称

  • 貂皮是贵重的皮毛

  • (2) [skin and hair]∶体表皮肤和附着于皮肤的毫毛的合称

  • (3) [superficial knowledge]∶比喻表面的知识

  • 略知皮毛

皮毛[pí máo]
  1. 在丛生的蕨中我懂得了永恒的皮毛。

    It was among ferns I learned about eternal fur .

  2. 猿猴花费大量时间互相梳理身上的皮毛。

    Monkeys and apes spend a great deal of time grooming one another 's fur .

  3. 维生素B6对于改善狗和马的皮毛有显著的作用。

    Vitamin B6 is great for improving the condition of dogs ' and horses ' coats .

  4. 父亲对音乐只懂一点皮毛。

    Father had no more than a superficial knowledge of music .

  5. 这匹马全身光滑,皮毛闪亮。

    The horse 's sleek body gleamed .

  6. 貂皮是一种极贵重的皮毛。

    Marten is one of the most valuable furs .

  7. 老虎有条纹状的皮毛。

    A tiger has a striped coat .

  8. 他们吃海豹肉,并用皮毛做衣服。如今他们之中很多人还穿着海豹皮做的衣服,因为这些衣服非常暖和。

    They ate the meat and made clothes from the furMany of them still wear seal - ­ skin clothes today because they are very warm .

  9. 艾丽斯对猫的皮毛过敏。

    Alice is allergic to the fur of cats .

  10. 作为绝缘体很少有其他材料能与动物皮毛相媲美。

    Few substances can equal fur as an insulator .

  11. 肯定不会有很多买皮毛比基尼这种东西的。

    There can 't be many buyers out there for a fur bikini .

  12. 熊体表覆盖着皮毛。

    Bear is covered with with fur .

  13. 但是,当金·卡戴珊穿着自己的皮毛比基尼在雪地里玩耍时,她证明了自己可以让这种看上去毫无实际意义的东西发挥出作用。

    But Kim Kardashian proved just how useful such a seemingly impractical garment could be as she played in the snow wearing her ' furkini ' .

  14. 这位佳人似乎给自己那被晒成小麦色的胴体都剃了毛,因此,为避免私处冻伤,她给自己穿上了厚厚的一层皮毛。

    Having seemingly waxed every hair from her sun-kissed body , the beauty avoided frostbite to her most private regions with the help of a thick covering of fur .

  15. “黑狗综合症”指人们在动物收容所里领养狗狗时,往往倾向忽略那些拥有黑色或深色皮毛的狗儿,而选择毛色较浅的汪星人。

    Black dog syndrome1 refers to the tendency for black - or dark-coated dogs to be passed over for adoption2 in favor of lighter3 colored dogs in an animal shelter .

  16. 学者表示,这种现象通常被称为“黑狗综合症”或“黑狗偏见”。电影和书籍对于深色皮毛动物的描述根植于人们的心中,行程了他们对这些动物的刻板印象。

    The phenomenon is commonly referred to as " Black Dog Syndrome " or " Black Dog Bias , " a stereotype4 against dark-colored animals possibly ingrained in people through depictions in movies and books , according to experts .

  17. MR和超声均漏诊1例半椎体、1例蝴蝶椎和1例背侧皮毛窦。

    By MRI and ultrasound study one case of hemivertebra , one case of butterfly vertebra and one case of dorsal dermal sinus were missed diagnosis .

  18. 正如前几篇文章中提到的,我们实际上只接触到了R中丰富的统计库的皮毛。

    As mentioned in those prior articles , what we actually explored barely scratched the surface of the deep and rich statistical libraries in R.

  19. 这是一个完整的程序,但只是接触了2DAPI所提供的功能的皮毛。

    It is a complete program , but it only scratches the surface of the capabilities offered by the2D API .

  20. 但雌猫已经有两条X染色体,因此它们即使没有额外的X染色体也能有这样的皮毛,也就是说,双面猫不一定是嵌合体。

    But female cats already have two X chromosomes so they can own that coat without the extra X , which means Venus is not necessarily a chimera .

  21. 到目前为止,我们仅仅了解了智能标记的皮毛。通过其他办法,我们还可以将其与Java应用程序或服务集成。

    We 've only really scratched the surface of just what smart tags are capable of , and various ways we can integrate them together with Java applications or services .

  22. 红色毛癣菌和须癣毛癣菌微小卫星引物PCR研究非洲种瘦长而短毛的小猫,皮毛略带褐色,底层绒毛略带红色。

    The Identification of Trichophyton Rubrum and Trichophyton Mentagrophytes by PCR Fingerprinting ; a small slender short-haired breed of African origin having brownish fur with a reddish undercoat .

  23. 同样地,在转基因烟草叶片、叶柄以及茎的表皮毛中也可以检测到很强的GUS活性。

    Similarly , strong GUS activities were detected in trichomes of leaves , petioles and stems of transgenic tobacco plants .

  24. 长久以来,这种兔子就以其异常柔软的皮毛闻名和受人喜欢,Chu用剪刀修理这些兔子,她的这些毛绒绒的朋友从来没有受到伤害。

    Long famed and desired for their incredibly soft fur or wool , Chu uses scissorsto shear her rabbits , never once harming her fluffy friends .

  25. 像在宪法广场(Syntagmasquare)周边这种一直是高档酒店、皮毛精品店统治的地区,新出现了一些有机食品店。

    There are new organic grocery stores in neighborhoods like Syntagma Square , where grand hotels and fur boutiques have long reigned .

  26. 糖尿病肾病对照组(B组)的大鼠出现多饮、多尿、多食、体重减轻的典型的三多一少症状,其皮毛枯黄,并出现皮下脓肿、行动迟缓。

    The rats of diabetic control group ( B group ) had more to drink , polyuria , polyphagia , weight loss of the typical " more than three a little " symptom , yellow fur , subcutaneous abscess and moved slowly .

  27. 本专栏只涉及了indexer模块和全文索引这个更广泛主题的皮毛。

    This column has only scratched the surface of the indexer module and the broader topic of full-text indexing .

  28. 进一步深入刻画,主要绘制老虎皮毛,和头部细节的绘制,这里用的笔刷有在网上下载的毛发笔刷,混合PT里面的毛发笔刷绘制完成。

    Further depict , main draw a tiger skins , and head details with brush paint , here have online download of hair brush , mixed PT inside hair brush with complete .

  29. 这篇文章列出了Groovy1.5中引人注目的新特性,但是我们仅仅触及了Groovy这个新版本的皮毛。

    In this article , the new and noteworthy features have been outlined , but we have barely scratched the surface of this new version of Groovy .

  30. DES组大鼠接受腹腔注射己烯雌酚(5mg/kg,每周2次);相应给予溶剂对照组大鼠腹腔注射等体积葵花油,给药过程中监测大鼠体重和皮毛变化情况。

    Rats in DES group received intraperitoneal injection of DES ( 5mg / kg , twice a week ), while their controls were correspondingly administered with sun-flower seed oil .