
fēi fǎ rù qīn
  • illegal intrusion
  1. 在检测到非法入侵或恶意行为时利用入侵检测系统收集电子证据是IDS新的应用方向,也是IDS领域的研究热点之一。

    It is one of the hot research fields in IDS and new applying way that use IDS collecting electronic evidence while illegal intrusion and malicious behaviour was detected .

  2. 你同意更新,就不能算非法入侵了。

    If you agree to its update , it is not illegal intrusion .

  3. 杰克逊维尔这名所谓的“黑客狗仔”低着头承认他曾经入侵过名人的电邮帐号,并对窃听以及非法入侵电脑等罪行供认不讳。他将面临60年的监禁。

    With his head hung low , Jacksonville 's so-called hackerazzi admits he hacked into the email accounts of celebrities . He faces up to 60 years in prison after pleading guilty to wiretapping and unauthorized access to a computer .

  4. 在实现局域网与Internet的沟通过程中,减少网络拥塞,防止非法入侵,提高网络的安全性是网络技术发展的重要内容。

    In the course of realizing the connection of local area network with Internet , reducing network congestion , prevent illegal incursion and increasing network security are the main contents of the development of network technology .

  5. 入侵检测系统(IntrusionDetectionSystem简称IDS)是一种利用入侵者留下的痕迹,或入侵者发送数据包的特征等信息来有效地发现来自外部或内部的非法入侵的网络应用系统。

    Intrusion Detection System is a kind of network application system , designed to efficiently inspect or identify all inbound and outbound illegal network activity by information , for instance , traces left by attackers or features of digital bags .

  6. 如果你去KipuFalls游泳的话,最好的结果就是你被控告非法入侵他人领地,因为你很有可能在这个岛上丢掉性命。

    If you go swimming at Kipu Falls in Kauai , the best possible outcome is that you are only charged with trespassing . It is also possible that you will never leave the swimming hole alive .

  7. TPM设计包含公钥认证功能、完整性度量功能和证明功能,能够抵御恶意软件破坏、非法入侵并可以证明平台自身的完整可信。

    TPM through public key authentication function and show that the functional measure against malicious software damage , illegal invasion the platform to the user that the integrity of its own credibility .

  8. 本周二,奥斯汀警方以非法入侵计算机系统的罪名向Ramos-Lopez发起了指控。更多有关此案的详情,读者可以点击这个链接查看。

    Austin police filed computer intrusion charges against Ramos-Lopez on Tuesday .

  9. 金:黑客非法入侵MCQ公司的电脑系统,导致整个周末出现了许多问题。

    Jin : Hackers were able to get unauthorized access to its computer systems and cause a lot of problems over the weekend .

  10. 入侵检测就是其中一种新型的网络安全技术,它可以有效地发现来自网络内部攻击、外部攻击和误操作等非法入侵行为,以此来保障信息系统的安全。

    Intrusion Detection is one of the new network security techniques .

  11. 非法入侵一直威胁着计算机网络系统的安全。

    Unlawful incursion has been threatening the safety of computer network system .

  12. 我们这种行为应该符合非法入侵的范畴了

    This would fall under the general category ... of breaking and entering .

  13. 我拜托不要谈非法入侵。

    I took a plea for criminal trespassing .

  14. 过期持有签证与非法入侵可不一样。

    Overstaying a visa is not the same thing as being an illegal alien .

  15. 我们从渐长的潮汐中返回;不速之客;非法入侵的狩猎者。

    We moved back from the encroaching tide ; invasive tourists ; trespassing hunters .

  16. 在电视镜头上托内承认他们非法入侵了伊朗领海。

    Turney was shown on the television admitting " illegal entry " into Iranian waters .

  17. 依法扣留债务人财产非法入侵他人的财产。

    Enter unlawfully on someone 's property .

  18. 介绍了网络的不安全因素,包括网络病毒和系统外来非法入侵。

    This paper introduces the unsafe factors , including network virus and illegal invasion outside system .

  19. 尤其是在自己国家的被非法入侵和占领,在此基础上的谎言。

    Especially after their country 's been illegally invaded and occupied , on the basis of lies .

  20. 电子商务网站的网络安全规划包括了Windows2000Server的安全设置,使服务器能够防止非法入侵。

    E-commerce website network security design includes Windows 2000 Server , making the Server is able to prevent illegal invasion .

  21. 他难道不认为战争已经开始,而且是俄罗斯非法入侵乌克兰触发了战争吗?

    Did he not think that a war was already going on , sparked by an illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine ?

  22. 因此,如何有效而迅速地发现并阻止各种非法入侵行为,成为当今网络安全有待解决的重要问题。

    So how to effectively and quickly detect and prevent acts of illegal invasion becomes an important problem to be solved .

  23. 世界反兴奋剂机构上周六宣布,俄罗斯兴奋剂丑闻举报人尤利娅·斯特帕诺娃在该机构的电子账号被非法入侵了。

    Russian whistleblower Yulia Stepanova 's electronic account at the World Anti-Doping Agency has been illegally accessed , WADA said last Saturday .

  24. 然而调查显示,去年一些银行的安全保密机制并不完善,导致客户们的帐户被非法入侵。

    However , research published by Which ? last year found the security regimes of some banks leave customers vulnerable to hacking .

  25. 随着计算机网络的结构日趋复杂、规模快速增长,非法入侵不断增多。

    With the increasing complexity of network structure and rapid growth of network scale , the illegal invasion has been increasing continuously .

  26. 攻击者利用网络技术,非法入侵他人计算机系统,窃取信息、篡改数据,给企业造成巨大损失。

    Attackers use network technology , illegally intrude computer system , steal information , tamper data , and bring heavy losses to enterprises .

  27. 最近有个案子是有个男人因为非法入侵和偷盗金钱而被起诉并被判处有罪。

    A recent case I heard was of a man accused and found guilty of breaking into a house and stealing some money .

  28. 首先,我们研究了如何对计算机网络系统的非法入侵进行分类的问题,给出了有效的分类方法。

    First , the problem how to classify the illegitimate intrusion of computer networks is analyses , and some corresponding classification approaches are given .

  29. 由于研究范围较大,本人只负责非法入侵产生的安全事件日志的分析工作。病毒日志,系统误报等事件日志的分析为其他人完成。

    Because of the range of the research is too widthy , this research only takes charge of the security event log with the illegality incursion .

  30. 世界新闻报雇佣的侦探非法入侵了她的语音信箱,为了节省更多的存储空间,雇佣侦探删除了语音信箱的信息(来自多乐家人和朋友的信息)。

    Voicemails were accessed on behalf of the News of the World , and messages left for her were deleted to make room for more recordings .