
fēi chánɡ shǒu duàn
  • extreme;emergency measure
  1. 你也许需要采取非常手段才能存活。

    You might need to resort to extreme measures to survive .

  2. 政府正计划采取非常手段保持经济运行。

    The government is planning desperate measures to keep the economy running .

  3. 但在制度失灵之时,就需要非常手段。

    Yet when the system is dysfunctional , emergency solutions are required .

  4. 为了给《诸神之战》让路,影院经理们正在采取一些非常手段。

    To make way for'Clash , 'theater owners are resorting to some desperate measures .

  5. 在紧急状态下诉诸非常手段。

    Resorted to extremes in the emergency .

  6. 如果打电话来的人不肯收口,就要用非常手段了。

    If the caller still won 't go away , it 's time for drastic measures .

  7. 我只好使出非常手段。

    I made an desperate attempt .

  8. 这时通常会出现激烈的言辞。阿祖兹:她刚刚提到的“非常手段”现在正在使用。

    That 's usually when the fireworks Those extraordinary measures she mentioned are being utilized right now .

  9. 日本战时的各项土地制度是决战体制下的非常手段,在一定程度上支持了法西斯战争。

    To some extent , as extraordinary measures , all the Japanese land systems in wartime supported fascist war .

  10. 每位父母都是为了孩子好,但有时为了鼓励孩子培养健康的生活方式,他们会采取一些非常手段。

    Every parent wants the best for their child , but used extreme tactics to encourage a healthy lifestyle .

  11. 对于剧本泄露采取非常手段,这不是第一次报道了。

    It is not the first report of unusual tactics designed to keep the show 's plot a secret .

  12. 并在一个残酷的报复的效果,非常手段逃避年龄使它更迅速。

    And , in a cruel revenge effect , the very instrument for evading age brings it on more quickly .

  13. 两党分化的一个重要后果就是,国会多数党不得不经常通过非常手段来实现其立法目标。

    One consequence of party polarization is that the majority party has to frequently use unorthodox means to achieve its legislative goals .

  14. 由于没有疫苗或者经过验证的药物可用,大力推进研究工作实际上是为了阻止这种疾病的蔓延而采取的非常手段&使用传统的治疗方式已经无法控制它了。

    With no vaccines or proven drugs available , the stepped-up efforts are a desperate measure to stop a disease that has defied traditional means of containing it .

  15. 在到达那种地步之前,目前财政部还有一些回旋余地,可以采取所谓的“非常手段”来进行资金周转。

    Now , the Treasury does have a little wiggle room before it gets to that point , something it calls " extraordinary measures " to move money around .

  16. 无论我有多希望这条消息是真的,它都只是一个噱头。尽管名人们有时不得不采取一些非常手段来避开狗仔队,这件事仍旧是一件不可能事件。

    Even though celebrities do sometimes have to resort to unusual measures so they can get around without being detected by paparazzi , this particular story has a flavor of the unreal .

  17. 在美国当前经济复苏势头疲软的形势下,大学学费持续上涨,但工作却更难找到,一些学生正求助于另一种非常手段来支付大学费用。

    As college costs continue their stubborn rise , and with work harder to come by during an anemic economic recovery , some students are resorting to a rather unusual measure in order to pay their college bills .

  18. 想要达到这种效果,你就要花钱雇一个刷信誉团体。过去几年涌现出了数百家专事刷信誉的公司,为那些想要通过非常规手段迅速提升知名度的商家送上大批的“赞”。

    Hundreds of companies have sprung up in the last couple of years specializing in click farming , delivering bundles of online approval to businesses requiring a quick and dirty way to boost their popularity .

  19. 如果我们要使用非常规手段?

    What about if we had to go off the meter ?

  20. 西方工业大国已采取了多种非常规手段来阻止全球性危机的蔓延。

    Western industrial powers have taken various ad hoc steps to stem the global crisis .

  21. 冰岛也不愿意用非常规手段为银行体系提供更多支持。

    Iceland was also unwilling to use unorthodox tools to provide more backing to its system .

  22. 我需要用些非常的手段吗?

    Must I take drastic steps ?

  23. 英格兰银行和美联储都应该开始采取更多的非常规手段来缓解目前货币状况。

    The Bank of England and the Fed should both start employing more unconventional tools to loosen monetary conditions .

  24. 使用非常规手段可以使系统出错,但是我不建议这么做。

    You can always make a system fail using a hammer , but that scenario is not what I 'm suggesting .

  25. 人们敦促各国政府除了减排,还要考虑更激烈的措施,包括在太空安装镜子等未试用过的非常规手段。

    Governments are being urged to consider more drastic measures than emissions cuts , including untried and exotic methods such as erecting mirrors in space .

  26. 分解钢平台是非常规手段,具体如何分解,难以一言蔽之,每个工程可以根据自身的工程特点进行分解。

    Decomposition of steel platform is unconventional means , specifically how to decompose , in a nutshell , each project based on its engineering characteristics of decomposition .

  27. 随着测井、地震技术的不断进步,将会大大推进隐蔽性油气藏的勘探技术的发展,以前的一些非常规手段慢慢也会变成了常规手段。

    However , the progress of well logging and seismic technologies will push on the development of exploring technologies of subtle reservoirs and therefore some abnormal methods before will gradually become normal .

  28. 花期控制和培苞促花是叶子花栽培的主要技术措施之一,而水分控制是其中一项非常重要手段。

    The flowering time regulator and cultivating bud to promote flowers are two important ways to cultivate Bougainvillea . Except for this , water control is also one of the important methods .

  29. 他曾经多次强调,通过购买债券和采取其他一些非常规手段,即便利率接近零,中央银行依然有能力为经济复苏提供支持。

    He has repeatedly stated that by purchasing bonds and carrying out other unorthodox measures , central banks have the capacity to support a recovery even when interest rates are close to zero .

  30. DNA指纹个体识别技术是保护遗传学研究中的一种非常重要的手段。

    The technique of individual identification by DNA fingerprinting is a very important method in conservation genetics .