
  1. 师院物理专业的非师范专业初探关于地方性多科性本科院校非师范专业建设的思考

    Thoughts on the Non-Teacher Majors Construction of Regional Multi-Discipline Four-Year College

  2. 高师院校非师范专业学生就业难问题的思考

    On the Hard-to-find-a-job Problem of Non-normal Education Major Students

  3. 本论文专门对年轻语文教师的课堂教学语言提升提出建议。本论文将年轻语文教师分为两大类:师范专业毕业和非师范专业毕业。

    The thesis studies the teaching language of the young Chinese teachers specially .

  4. 第四部分,分析导致非师范专业班级管理中问题的原因。

    The fourth part , analysis the reasons which causes the issue in the non normal majors class management .

  5. 高等师范院校的师范专业收取学费始于1999年,学费为非师范专业的一半。

    Majors of teacher 's universities began to charge tuition on students in 1999 , which is only half of the tuition on non-teaching majors .

  6. 目的:了解河南省师范专业大学生心理健康的现状,对师范专业与非师范专业高校学生进行了对比研究。

    Objective : To gain understanding of mental health of normal college students in Henan province , normal college students and non-normal college students were compared .

  7. 结论师范学院心理健康教育工作中,应加强对几类学生的关注,他们是女生,尤其是来自城镇的女生,非师范专业学生,特别是工科学生以及对所学专业缺乏情感的学生。

    Conclusion It 's necessary to pay attention to un-pedagogic students , girl students , especially girl students from town and students having lower affection to specialty in carrying through mental healthy instruction .

  8. 本项研究就是通过对全国153所高等师范院校师范专业和非师范专业设置情况的调查,对师范专业和非师范专业的具体数据做出统计,力图客观的描述师范院校综合化的程度。

    This study makes concrete statistical data for teacher professional and non-teacher professional through the investigation of set-up of 153 teachers training colleges ' teacher professional and non-teacher professional , and the purpose of this is to describe the development of composite level .