
  • 网络Enterprise Information Management;enterprise informatization management
  1. 随着现代企业信息化管理的不断发展,实行有效的CRM策略对企业的生存和发展显得越来越重要。

    With the development of modern enterprise informatization management , effective CRM strategy is more and more important .

  2. 企业信息化管理体系的构建与策划技术研究

    Construction and planning technology of enterprise informatization management system

  3. ERP作为先进的企业信息化管理系统,蕴含先进管理思想,因而选择了ERP是蓝科公司信息化建设的必然。

    ERP as an advanced enterprise information management system contains advanced management ideas .

  4. ERP系统是企业信息化管理最先进的手段之一,它实现了对企业整个供应链的管理。

    ERP system , one of the most advanced managing methods with information , realizes management throughout enterprise supply chain .

  5. ERP技术是企业信息化管理的大势所趋,已被越来越多的制造业接纳和采用。

    ERP technology , which is the tendency of enterprises information management , is being accepted and applied in more and more manufacturing companies .

  6. 应用CRM重构电信业的管理模式是电信企业信息化管理发展的必然趋势。

    So , using CRM to rebuild their managerial mode is a necessity trend for china telecom industry to develop their information management .

  7. ERP的实施是企业信息化管理的必由之路,但实施的高失败率使许多企业望而却步,如何确保企业成功实施ERP,是当前企业信息化建设的一个重要课题。

    Implementation of ERP system is the only way for enterprise information management . However , the implementation of the high failure rate discourages many enterprises .

  8. 第二章对Web应用系统的发展做了简单的回顾和分析,并确定了论文所研究的服装企业信息化管理系统的结构。

    Chapter 2 makes a simple retrospect and analysis of the development of Web application system and confirmed the framework of the management system mentioned in this paper . Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 detailedly introduce .

  9. 这种评价方法为提高A电力公司ERP应用水平和电力企业信息化管理水平提供了有益的参考。

    This evaluation method to improve the level of ERP applications A power company and the power of enterprise information management level to provide a useful reference .

  10. 本论文正是以此出发,首先介绍了有关现代企业信息化管理的新思想、新观念,讲述了ERP的概念、渊源与发展;

    At first , this thesis introduce new thought and idea of modern enterprise 's information management , narrate the conception , origin and development of ERP ( Enterprise Resources Planning );

  11. 因此,一书在手,就能完整而清晰地把握现代企业信息化管理的架构和轮廓,领悟SCM的奥秘。

    Therefore , with this book , readers will be able to grasp structure and profile of modern enterprise information technology in a wholesome and clear manner and understand SCM 's secret .

  12. CIO在企业信息化管理中起着非常关键的作用。企业信息化组织机构必须具有一定的灵活性,以适应企业管理变革和信息技术发展的要求。

    CIO plays an important rule in enterprise informational management , it should b e with flexibility for the request of IT development and management improving .

  13. 飞机制造BOM管理是企业信息化管理的重要内容之一,本文结合我国飞机制造企业的现状,对适合我国飞机制造企业的管理方法进行了研究。

    Airplane manufacture BOM management is one of main contents of enterprise information management , studied management method that adapt to our airplane manufacture enterprise according to the situation of our airplane manufacturing enterprise .

  14. 随着企业信息化管理进程的推进,一些企业引进了ERP系统(企业资源计划)等企业管理类软件,以此来指导生产物流的实施,较好的提升了生产物流管理水平。

    With management informatization moves forward , a number of companies introduced and set up some management software , such as ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) in order to assist the implementation of the production logistics and enhance the level of its management .

  15. 对智能体库存管理系统的研究是企业信息化管理、数字化管理的重要内之一,是每个企业实施ERP的重点,也是供应链管理环境下成员企业非常关注的问题。

    The research of Agent Stock Management System is one of the important contents of information and digit management of enterprises and the emphasis of carrying out ERP for every enterprise and also the problem concerned by every member enterprise under the environment of supply chain management .

  16. 工程图纸管理系统在产品数据管理(PDM)中是非常重要的,其在企业信息化管理过程中也是不可或缺的系统,并成为国内外众多学者争相研究的热门话题。

    Engineering Drawing Management System is important part for Product Data Management and plays an important role in the process of development of enterprise information . Many scholars competed to study and it became a hot research topic , accompanied by the development of computer software technology .

  17. 基于网络技术的建筑企业信息化管理探讨

    Discussion on Informationized Management in Construction Enterprise Based on Network Technology

  18. 我国家具企业信息化管理模式的研究

    Research on Model of Information Management in Chinese Furniture Enterprises

  19. 企业信息化管理技术的发展和应用

    On Development of Enterprise Information Management Technology and Its Application

  20. 提升林产工业企业信息化管理水平

    Promoting Informationized Management Level of Enterprises in Forest Products Industry

  21. 现代企业信息化管理的发展趋势&知识管理

    Trend of Information Management in the Modern Enterprise Knowledge Management

  22. 企业信息化管理中信息系统集成应用研究

    Application Research on Information System Integration of Enterprise Information Management

  23. Intranet:企业信息化管理的基石

    Intranet : the Cornerstone of Informationized Management in Enterprises

  24. 煤炭企业信息化管理系统

    The content and method of establishing the informatization management system of coal industry

  25. 浅析煤炭企业信息化管理现状及对策研究

    Problems and Countermeasures on Information Management of Coal Enterprises

  26. 供电企业信息化管理综述

    Summarization of Information Management in Power - supply Enterprise

  27. 企业信息化管理对企业文化建设的影响与对策

    The Impact and Countermeasure on Enterprise 's Cultural Construction in Enterprise 's Informationization Managment

  28. 中小企业信息化管理艺术

    Informationization Management Art of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise

  29. 中小企业信息化管理模型的构建与分步实施方案的设计

    Informatization Management Models Established and Stage Implement Project Designed on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  30. 安徽省旅游企业信息化管理的重点和难点

    A Special Study Report on Emphases and Difficulty of Tourism Information Industrialization in Anhui Province