
  1. 现在,HTTP流中有了令牌,HTTP访问服务打开与一个企业主机的连接,并中继来回传输,就像SSL/TLS网关一样。

    Now that the token is present in the HTTP flows , the HTTP access service opens a connection to an enterprise host and relays traffic back and forth , similar to an SSL / TLS gateway .

  2. 使用上述这个算法,一个为其他企业提供主机服务的机构可以控制实际访问该服务的信息。

    Using this algorithm , an organization that hosts services for other businesses to use can control the information that is used to actually access the hosted service .

  3. 企业网中主机防火墙技术的研究

    Research of Intranet Host Firewall

  4. 数据中心在大型主机时代就已出现,那时是为了通过托管、外包或集中方式向企业提供大型主机的管理维护,以达到专业化管理和降低运行成本的目的。

    Data Centers had already emerged in large host age which supplied enterprises with the management and maintenance of large hosts by trusteeship , contract or centralization to reach the target of professional management and a decrease in running cost .

  5. 采集器上传至集中器,这一层通信使用电力线载波,电力线载波技术直接以电力线作为通信信道,不需要额外施工,集中器将收到的多路采集器数据传至电力企业的控制主机。

    Uploaded to the concentrator collector , this layer using power line carrier communications , power line carrier technology to power lines as a direct communication channel , no additional construction . Concentrator will receive a multi-collector data to the power control of the business host .

  6. 网际网络服务提供者还会帮企业设置网站的主机,以及建立自己的网站。

    ISPs can host Web sites for Businesses and can also Build the Web sites themselves .

  7. 如果一家企业中的分布式监视Web服务主机要访问不同企业中的类似主机,则需要企业之间的协作。

    A distributed monitoring Web services host in one enterprise accessing a like host in different enterprises requires collaboration among the enterprises .