
  1. 最近,伦敦已表现出成为欧洲高科技初创企业孵化基地和服务中心的潜力。

    London has shown promise recently both as an incubator and as a service centre for European high-tech start-ups .

  2. 建设具有行业技术支撑作用的公共技术平台和与之配套的专业企业孵化基地,对于中小企业加快创新创业,促进科技型中小企业和创新人才脱颖而出,具有十分重要的意义。

    To build trade-supportive public technology platform and particular enterprise incubating base accordingly , means a lot not only to innovational enterprise-starting of medium small enterprises but also to the faster emergence of high-tech enterprises and innovational talents .

  3. 作为高校科技成果转化的基地、产学研合作平台及企业孵化基地,高校科技园孵化器的宗旨是向科技创业者提供优质的创业环境。

    As the transformation yard of technical achievements of the universities , the corporation platform among industries , universities and research institutes and the incubation base of the enterprises , the aim of University Science-park Incubator is to provide the environment for the technical pioneers to do pioneering work .

  4. 高新区成为中国科技成果转化和高新技术企业孵化的重要基地

    Major Bases for Transforming Scientific Results and Incubating New and High-Tech Enterprises