
  • 网络public information platform
  1. 基于Linux操作系统的网络服务器平台有很大的优越性,利用基于国产Linux架构的低成本、安全的公共信息平台实现电子政务及其它应用,可以切实解决数字鸿沟问题。

    The network server platform which based on the Linux operating system has the very famous superiority , using the domestic Linux construct low cost , the safe public information platform realization electron government affairs and other applications may practically solve the digital gap problem .

  2. 本论文依托于国家高技术研究发展计划863项目重大专项课题‘缩小数字鸿沟西部行动’第一批课题(课题编号:2003AA1Z2530)基于国产Linux的公共信息平台关键技术与应用研究的研究内容。

    This dissertation is based on the " Narrowing the Digit-divide West Program Key Technique and Applied Research of the Public Information Platform based on the Domestic Linux " as the first batch of national 863 important special project ( serial number : 2003AA1Z2530 ) .

  3. 城市物流公共信息平台规划与设计研究

    Research on Planning and Design of City Public Logistics Information Platform

  4. 基于声誉的物流公共信息平台信任评价模型

    A Trust Evaluation Model Based on Reputation for Logistics Public Information Platform

  5. 重庆市主城区城市配送公共信息平台的研究

    Study on ChongQing Main Urban 's Urban Distribution Imformation Platform

  6. 物流公共信息平台开发风险评价模型

    A Risk Evaluation Model for the Development of Logistics Public Information Platform

  7. 赣州现代物流公共信息平台规划研究

    Research on the Planning of Logistics Public Information Platform in Ganzhou City

  8. 基于网格的物流公共信息平台设计及实现

    Design an Realization of Public Information Platform Based on Datum - grid

  9. 低成本公共信息平台建设和应用研究

    Low Cost Public Information Platform Construction and Applied Research

  10. 物流公共信息平台的层次结构与功能定位分析

    Layer Structure and Analysis on the Function about the Logistics Public Information Platform

  11. 论我国公共信息平台的构建

    Discussion on the Construction of Chinese Public Information Platform

  12. 中小城市公共信息平台的技术设计与实现

    Technique Designs and Realizations of Public Information Platform to Small and Medium Cities

  13. 基于GPS/GIS的物流公共信息平台

    Logistics Public Information Platform Based on GPS / GIS

  14. 城市现代物流公共信息平台的内涵和规划设计

    The Intension of Logistics Public Information Platform and Planning

  15. 荆江河段洪水预警公共信息平台总体设计思路

    General design of public information platform for flood warning in Jingjiang reach of Changjiang River

  16. 构建中小物流企业公共信息平台的探讨

    The Discussion of Building a Platform to Share the Information for Small and Medium-Sized Companies

  17. 针对信息资源,本文提出通过构建公共信息平台和企业信息平台两个模式进行资源的整合。

    And the paper points out by building the information platform to integrate the information resource .

  18. 对长江荆江河段洪水预警公共信息平台总体设计思路进行了探讨。

    The general design of public information platform for flood warning ( PIPFW ) in Jingjiang reach is mainly discussed .

  19. 总体方案设计成果将作为公共信息平台详细设计和各子系统实施的基础。

    The result of the general design can be used as guide of detailed design and implementary base of the platform .

  20. 在研究院现有系统的基础上,给出了一套有针对性的符合研究院自身特点的科研管理公共信息平台具体实施方案。

    Based on the institute available information system , a special designed and appropriate public research management information platform detailed implementation proposal was given .

  21. 物流公共信息平台建设要进行全面的需求分析,建立适应需求的物流公共信息平台,提供一站式物流信息化服务。

    To build logistical public information platform need to carry out comprehensive demand analysis , to provide ' one station ' logistical information service .

  22. 本文以中国西部物流港为例,研究了一个物流公共信息平台规划设计的实例,试图为后续的平台建设提供思路,也试图探索一些平台规划过程中的理论。

    In this paper , we use West china Logistics Port as an example to illustrate planning and designing of Public Logistics Information Platform .

  23. 平台建设的难度在于采用什么样的平台模式,使得物流公共信息平台的运行实现自我良性循环,从而达到服务功能的整合。

    The trouble is to adopt platform mode to achieve virtuous circle of logistical public information platform , thereby , to integrate the service function .

  24. 介绍了GPS/GIS技术,并在分析将GPS/GIS技术应用于物流公共信息平台的基础上,探讨了如何构建基于GPS/GIS的物流公共信息平台。

    This paper introduces the technology of GPS / GIS , and then discusses the establishment of logistics public information platform based on GPS / GIS .

  25. 信息平台如下:1.公共信息平台,辅助成员企业了解联盟内部及外部有关信息、发布信息、辅助决策。

    Information platforms are as follows : 1 . Common information platform . It aids members to acquire useful information , release correlative information and make decisions .

  26. 全球成为一个公共信息平台,每个人都成为了网络信息传播的主角,曾经的参与者站在了聚光灯下。

    The global word has become public information platform , everyone is being the protagonist in the network information transmission , the once participants have stood in the spotlight .

  27. 物流公共信息平台是一个相对较新的概念,目前国外尚没有这一正式的提法,国内的规划设计也处于探索期。

    Public Logistics Information Platform is a relatively new concept . Now there is no formal reference in foreign countries and the planning and design in domestic is still in the exploration period .

  28. 城市物流公共信息平台作为城市现代物流发展的客观要求,其规划和建设已经在国内开展起来。

    Being an objective requirement of the development of modern city logistics , the planning and design of city public logistics information platform ( CPLIP ) have already been launched in our country .

  29. 主要分析了物流信息网络系统的一般概念和区域物流信息网络系统的结构、层次、组成和功能以及构建区域物流公共信息平台的关键模块。

    The paper mainly analyzes the general concept , structure , hierarchy and functions of regional logistics information network system as well as the key modules of establishing regional logistics public information Platform .

  30. 为进一步促进四川省食品工业的发展,2009年四川省食品工业协会正式启动建设四川省食品工业公共信息平台。

    To further promote the development of food industry in Sichuan Province , Sichuan Provincial Food Industry Association in 2009 officially launched the construction of public information platform for the food industry in Sichuan Province .