
  1. 因此,针对构成投资软环境的文化、人才与科技教育、政策、体制和法律等因素提出相应对策,旨在通过加强西部地区投资软环境建设促进外资西进,促进西部地区经济发展。

    Thus , corresponding countermeasures regarding the factors of culture , talents , science and technology , policies , system and law , which comprise soft enviroment , are proposed here for the purpose of consolidating soft environment construction , facilitating foreign investment and promoting economic development in western areas .

  2. 战略选择包括:政府主导与规范化;多方参与与市场化;突出优势与品牌化;人才培养与科技化。

    The strategical option includes : government leading and standardization , multi-participation and marketable , prompting advantages and the brand , talented cultivation and technical solution .

  3. 校企合作培养高技能人才高校与企业科技合作的探讨

    Cooperation Between Colleges and Enterprises to Develop High-Quality Personnel