
  • 网络human fatigue;human-body fatigue
  1. 基于维修仿真的人体疲劳分析

    Human Fatigue Analysis Based on Maintenance Simulation

  2. 与之相对应,通过检测人体疲劳,可以减少疲劳驾驶导致的交通事故发生。

    Correspondingly , the detection of human fatigue , we can reduce traffic accidents caused by driver fatigue .

  3. 用于人体疲劳状态检测的脉搏信号监测系统的设计

    Design of Pulse Detection System Used to Fatigue Testing

  4. 人体疲劳的生物力学分析

    Biomechanical Analysis on the Fatigue of Human Body

  5. 绿与消除人体疲劳的探讨

    Discussion on the effect of green

  6. 许多催化抗体的服用会导致人体疲劳过度,迫近生理承受极限。

    Many of the catalytic antibodies overworked the body , stretching the limits of biological endurance .

  7. 对人体疲劳的认识

    An understanding of human body fatigue

  8. 对疲劳前后的两组纵跳中关节功率的变化及其与人体疲劳的关系进行了定量分析。

    The change of joint power of two groups of vertical jumps before and after fatigue is studied quantitatively .

  9. 考察了纵跳中关节功率及其与人体疲劳的关系。

    In this paper , the author examined the relation between joint power and fatigue of human body in vertical jumps .

  10. 养血安神、解烦助眠,对精神系统有安抚作用,缓解人体疲劳,逐步改善睡眠,提高睡眠质量。

    Nourish blood to tranquilize mind , appease neural system , remiss fatigue , improve sleeping and increase sleeping quality step by step .

  11. 使人体疲劳的肌肉更加放松,减少人体自身重量带来的压迫,有卓越的复原力。

    So that the body more relaxed muscle fatigue and reduce the body 's own weight caused by oppression , there is remarkable resilience .

  12. 通过建立人体疲劳分析原型系统,并针对空间站维修仿真进行实例验证,试验结果表明了该方法的有效性。

    The human fatigue analysis prototype system was built and tested in the space station maintenance simulation instance . The experiment results demonstrate the validity of the method .

  13. 分别计算出疲劳和非疲劳状态下各类步态参数的均值和标准差,然后进行配对T检验,进而分析人体疲劳前后步态在时域和频域范围内的变化。

    We calculate all the mean and standard deviations of the gait parameters of pretest-posttest separately , which are used for paired t-test , and then analyzes the changes in the scopes of frequency and time domain .

  14. 研究结果表明,人体疲劳以后三个方向的步态加速度信号稳定性都会变差,垂直方向上幅值、频域范围的变化非常明显。

    The results show that , under the condition of fatigue , signals stability from each trial of the human body become worse , and the differences between amplitude and frequency of the vertical direction are very obvious .

  15. 自1968年发现超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)以后,自由基&这一带有未成对电子的分子在人体的疲劳、衰老、生物合成等方面的作用机理不断地被揭示着。

    Since SOD was discovered in 1968 , the mechanism of free radical - molecule with non-paired electrons has been revealed in human fatigue , aging and biosynthesis endlessly .

  16. 海星提取液对运动人体抗疲劳作用的研究

    Effects of sea - star extraction on the delay of fatigue onset

  17. 信息技术的发展,为人体精神疲劳的动态测量和实时分析提供了可能。

    Development of information technology makes it possible to perform real-time mental fatigue recognition .

  18. 新动力饮料是根据人体发生疲劳的机制而设计的一种抗疲劳饮料。

    " New Power " Functional Drink is a new anti-fatigue beverage developed on the basis of the fatigue mechanism of human body .

  19. 在维修工程领域,对产品的人机工程学分析逐渐引起人们的重视,人体的疲劳分析是其重要组成部分。

    In the field of maintenance engineering , ergonomic analysis on products is paid more and more attention , in which Human fatigue analysis takes an important part .

  20. 通过对优化结果的比较分析表明,应用所建立的数学模型预测人体肌肉疲劳程度与采用人-车系统模型运动仿真所得到的结果基本吻合。

    The analysis of the optimization result revealed that the degree of muscle fatigue which is forecasted by the mathematical model is consistent with it is gained by rider-bicycle system simulation .

  21. 其次,建立人体神经肌肉疲劳模型,应用运动训练、间歇性低氧训练等干预手段,观察低氧训练前后以及疲劳恢复过程中H反射参数的变化。

    Second , a model of human neuromuscular fatigue was established . Intervention studies of treadmill training and IHT were also applied in this model in order to observe the changes of H reflex parameters before and after neuromuscular fatigue and during the recovery of neuromuscular fatigue .

  22. 目的采用实验法观察灵芝口服液对人体运动抗疲劳能力的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of Ganoderma oral liquid on human anti-fatigue capacity .

  23. 绞股蓝皂甙对人体的抗疲劳作用

    Effects of Gypenosides on Anti-fatigue for human body

  24. 研究在多种连续刺激模式作用下,人体肱二头肌的疲劳特性以及受试者的生理反应现象。

    The fatigue characteristics of biceps and physiological reactions of subjects are investigated under the condition of a variety of continuous stimulation patterns .

  25. 316L不锈钢在模拟人体液内腐蚀疲劳裂纹萌生和扩展过程中应力的作用

    Effect of stress on initiation and propagation of corrosion fatigue cracks for Type 316L stainless steel in hank 's physiological solution

  26. 能提高人体免疫力、消除疲劳、增强记忆力。

    Can raise human body immunity dint , cancellation fatigue and strengthen memory .

  27. 结果表明,关节功率能够明确地反映人体各部分的疲劳程度,是对人体疲劳进行定量描述的重要力学量。

    The results shows that joint power can really reflect the level of fatigue and it is an important quantity for the quantitative description of the fatigue of human body .

  28. 研究了功能电刺激作用下的人体神经肌肉的疲劳特性和生理反应,初步确定了适合于人体神经肌肉电刺激脉冲信号的的基本特性。

    The basic characteristic of the functional neuromuscular stimulation signals suitable to body is preliminarily determined after the fatigue performance of the biceps , and the physiological reaction to stimulation is investigated using many continuous stimulation signal patterns .

  29. 研究表明,人体心电信号的多项指标与人体的疲劳程度紧密相关。通过监测驾驶员的心电信号,便可以达到检测疲劳驾驶的目的。

    Studies have shown that a variety of indexes of ECG ( electrocardiography ) are related to the fatigue degree of the body , which indicates that it can meet the goal of detecting fatigue driving by monitoring ECG signal of the driver .

  30. 长期使用与人体生理尺寸不匹配的桌椅易使人体疲劳,工作效率下降,进而造成颈椎、腰椎等相关疾病的发生。

    Using the unreasonable height of desks and chairs which do not match with human physiological size for a long time in working , the body fatigue and lower productivity would be appeared , related musculoskeletal disease of cervical vertebra and lumbar would be occurrence .