
  • 网络Artificial person;Cyborg;Android;Homunculus;Replicant;Made Man
  1. 他们已经开始担心人工繁殖带来人造人的可能性。

    They 're very concerned about the possibility of human engineering of the reproductive process .

  2. 几个月前,我参加人造人坎普在我的家乡俄勒冈州的波特兰。

    A few months ago , I attended Cyborg Camp in my hometown of Portland , Oregon .

  3. 我也这么想。只是我得确定,如果我是人造人,还能是个犹太人。我向我妈保证过。

    Howard : I 'm with you . I just have to make sure that if I 'm a synthetic human , I 'd still be Jewish . I promised my mother .

  4. 实际上在1933年,艾伦就已经在这个水平上进行思考了。萧伯纳的《千岁人》中,有位未来科学家发明了人造人,它能够表现,至少是模仿,20世纪人类的思维和情感,而科学家无法区分人造人和生物人。

    Indeed in 1933 he had seen it on the stage , for in Back to Methuselah Shaw had a future scientist produce an artificial ' automaton ' which could show , or at least imitate , the thought and emotions of twentieth century people .

  5. GB/T15104-1994装饰单板贴面人造板人和龙凤的造型都有一定的装饰性。

    Decorative veneered wood-based panel The forms of the woman , phoenix and the dragon are all of decorative beauty .

  6. 现在他们在说人造奶油对人不好。

    They 're saying now that margarine is bad for you .

  7. 西装料:人造纤维衬里人丝针点全套西装绒

    Lining cloths of man-made fibre for suiting rayon pinpoint suiting

  8. 运用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)比较研究了草酸钙(CaOx)在5种体系:纯水、氯化钠溶液、人造尿、正常人稀释尿液和结石患者稀释尿液中的成核、生长和聚集过程。

    The nucleation , growth and aggregation of the crystals of calcium oxalate ( CaOx ) were comparatively investigated in 5 different mimetic systems : aqueous solution , NaCl , artificial urine , diluted healthy urine and diluted lithogenic urine using scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) .

  9. 我的想法很简单:我需要的是有人造汽车和有人卖汽车。

    My thinking was simple : I needed somebody to build the cars and sell the cars .

  10. 天黑后的人造强光不仅让人增加警惕性,而且会延迟体内睡眠荷尔蒙褪黑素的生成。

    Artificial bright light after dusk not only enhances alertness , but also delays the production of melatonin , a sleep-inducing hormone .

  11. 研究表明,住在城市绿地附近的人要比整日身在人造材料中的人幸福感强烈。

    One study found that people who live in cities with more green space feel better than those surrounded by man-made materials .

  12. 它还有一颗活动的心脏,在电子泵的作用下跳动、完成身体的血液循环。它的人造血液也像人血一样携带氧气。

    It also has a functioning heart that , using an electronic pump , beats and circulates artificial blood , which carries oxygen just like human blood .

  13. 此外,很多依赖人造甜味剂的人每天会故意多吃一点,因为他们觉得自己可以这么做。

    Additionally , many people who rely on artificial sweeteners knowingly eat a little more throughout the day because they feel like they can afford to do so .

  14. 它超越法律条文,因为法条是人造的、是人讨论出来的,所以法律规定难免违反人性,税法难免「不公不义」。

    It is beyond legal provisions . Since the statutes are created by men through discussions , it is inevitable that legal provisions may be contrary to humanities and taxation law may be inequitable and unjust .