
  • 网络artificial lung;Oxygenator;ECMO
  1. 胎盘组运用离心泵和胎盘建立体外循环;人工肺组运用离心泵和人工膜肺建立体外循环,转流中旷置胎盘。

    Fetal bypass was established with centrifugal pump at the placental group , and bypass of oxygenator group was established with centrifugal pump and oxygenator .

  2. 作为对比,同时也设计了一种O2和CO2使用同一种通道的中空纤维膜式人工肺。

    In contrast , a one-channel hollow-fiber membrane oxygenator with one permeation channel for O2 and CO2 was assembled .

  3. 四川联大Ⅰ型膜式人工肺的实验室(InVitro)测试与数学模型计算

    An In Vitro Evaluation of the Sichuan Union Univ ⅰ Membrane Lung and Mathematical Modeling Calculation

  4. CO2在交叉流(管外血流式)中空纤维膜式人工肺中传递的数学模型与实验研究

    Modelling and Experimental Research on CO_2 Transfer in a Cross-Flow ( ELF ) Hollow Fibre Artificial Lung

  5. 本文建立了CO2在交叉流中空纤维膜式人工肺的半经验数学模型。

    A semi-empirical mathematical model of CO2 transfer in a cross-flow hollow fibre artificial lung has been set up .

  6. 结论自体肺CPB技术在CPB过程中能提供满意的氧合;而且较人工肺能获得更好的肺保护作用。

    CONCLUSION The autogenous oxygenator CPB technique provides satisfactory oxygenation and better lung protection .

  7. 目的制备人工肺表面活性物质(APS)作为胰岛素(INS)肺部给药载体。

    OBJECTIVE To prepare artificial pulmonary surfactant ( APS ) as insulin pulmonary delivery agent .

  8. 人工肺,也称氧合器,具有调节血液内O2和CO2含量的功能,是治疗急性呼吸疾病和等待肺移植阶段必需的医疗设备,也是心血管手术的辅助医疗设备。

    Artificial lungs , also called as oxygenators , which provid cardiopulmonary bypass during open-heart surgery , perform a function of exchanging O_2 and removing CO_2 from the blood . They also serve as a bridge to lung transplant and a needed appliance for treatment patients with acute respiratory failure .

  9. 中空纤维人工肺氧交换膜织物的研制

    Fabric Memberane Exchanging Oxygen in Aitificial Lung Made by Hollow Fibre

  10. 人工肺表面活性物质作为胰岛素肺部给药载体的研究

    Primary Study on Artificial Pulmonary Surfactant as Carrier of Insulin Pulmonary Delivery

  11. 膜式人工肺气体交换数学模型评述

    A Review of Mathematical Modelling of Gas Exchange in Membrane Artificial Lungs

  12. 自体肺与人工肺体外循环对肺影响的对比研究

    The Comparative Study of The Effect of Autogenous Oxygenator CPB and Artificial Oxygenator CPB on Lungs

  13. 硅胶毛细管膜式人工肺治疗Ⅱ型呼吸功能衰竭的动物实验及临床报告

    Experimental and Clinical Report on Treating Model ⅱ Respiratory Failure with Rubber Capillary Membrane Artificial Lung

  14. 对照组为人工肺常规体外循环组,利用鼓泡肺作为氧合器。

    For Control group in that the artificial lung ( bubble oxygenator ) was used as oxygenator .

  15. 对照组为人工肺组,除利用人工鼓泡肺作为氧合器外,其它条件同试验组。

    12 for control group , in which the artificial lung ( bubble oxygenator ) was used as oxygenator .

  16. 膜式人工肺的实验室测定及对MERA-HPO-25H膜肺的性能评价

    Experimental Evaluation ( in Vitro ) of Membrane Artificial Lungs and Results of the Tests of MERA - HPO-25H Membrane Lung

  17. 可以展望,双通道中空纤维膜式人工肺将具有很好的研究前景和应用价值。

    Therefore , it is speculated that the two-channel hollow-fiber membrane oxygenator will posses better research prospect and greater value in application .

  18. 人工肺组体外循环后毛细血管、小静脉严重淤血,中性粒细胞显著聚集。结论:自体肺体外循环组有较好的肺保护作用,减轻了缺血再灌注对肺的炎症损伤。

    Conclusion : The autogenous oxygenator CPB technique can provide better lung protective effect and reduce the injury of ischemia-reperfusion of the lung .

  19. 实验结果表明,单通道中空纤维膜式人工肺具有具有较好的氧合效果。

    The results showed the one-channel membrane oxygenator had better oxygenation performance which was close to that of commercial membrane oxygenator in the world .

  20. 以生理盐水和去离子水代替血液,测试了单通道中空纤维膜式人工肺组件的体外性能。

    The properties of the one-channel membrane oxygenator in vitro were measured by using normal saline and deionized water as a substitute for blood .

  21. 表明液晶/硅橡胶交联膜和离聚体膜有利于提高膜式人工肺的氧合效果。

    These suggested that the liquid crystal / silicone rubber crosslinked membrane and the ionomer membrane were benefit to improve oxygenation performance of membrane artificial lung .

  22. 按正交试验设计,得到了在不同状态下,树状人工肺各级气管的速度、湍流度及雷诺数。

    According to the orthogonal experiment design , we obtained the velocity , turbulent and Reynolds numbers of the artificial tree lung trachea under the different parameters .

  23. 人工肺组体外循环期间通过调整血流、通气比近似于1:0.5,控制动脉血氧分压不至于过高。

    In the duration of CPB , artificial oxygenator by the adjustment of the Q / V to 1:0.5 , to prevent the arterial PaO2 to increase too much .

  24. 人工心肺机对P((a-E~1))CO2的影响

    Effects of artificial cardiopulmonary bypass on P ( a-E ~ 1 ) CO_2

  25. 应用PTFE人工单叶肺动脉瓣实施右心室流出道重建术的护理配合

    Nursing cooperation for patients with right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction by applying PTFE artificial pul monary valve

  26. 方法随机选择CPB心内直视术患者40例,根据人工心肺机预充液配方分为两组。Ⅰ组:MFG500ml+晶体1300ml;

    Methods Forty patients undergoing open heart surgery were divided randomly into two groups : group ⅰ, MFG 500ml + crystalloid 1 # 300ml ;

  27. 人工心肺机血液泵监测系统的研制

    Development of the Monitor System for Blood Pump in Cardiopulmonary Machine

  28. 人工心肺机流量计的研制

    The Flowmeter of the Artificial Heart and Lung Machine

  29. 过度应用人工心肺机会诱发中风或器官衰竭。

    Heart-lung machines can introduce the potential for stroke or organ failure with extended use .

  30. 该手术需要让心脏停止跳动,并将血液改道通过人工心肺机。

    The operation involves stopping the heart and shunting the blood through a heart-lung machine .