
  • 网络Motto;life motto;Life Maxim
  1. 而很多时候,在迷茫的路口徘徊时,我总觉得,那些所谓的人生格言不符合实际,为什么大家都觉得那些反面的社会生活过得没有意义了?

    And many times , when wandering in the crossing over , I always think , those so-called life maxim doesn 't accord with the actual , why does everyone feel those negative social life meaningless ?

  2. 我很喜欢看古人的语录,也所谓的人生格言。

    I like watching the ancients sayings , also called life motto .

  3. 你的人生格言是什么?或者哪句话最能感动你?

    What is Your Motto ? or Which Word Touches You Most ?

  4. 人生格言:知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求。

    " I know who my sorrow ," what I ask me .

  5. 人生格言纵然地球毁灭,梦想不曾熄灭。

    The earth may perish , Our dreams never vanish .

  6. 你的人生格言是什么?

    What is the the maxim in your life ?

  7. 精诚所至金石为开是我的人生格言!

    Good faith moves mountains is my life motto !

  8. 人生格言人生就是一场游戏!

    Six years ago , a group was born .

  9. 人生格言:明天又是新的一天!

    Life motto : Tomorrow is another day !

  10. 人生格言:永不放弃!在没有成功的时候不要气馁,继续努力!

    Life motto : Never give up ! If at first you don 't succeed , try , try again !

  11. 当我心情低落时,我会打开电脑,看看自己收集到的一些人生格言。

    Whenever I feel down in the dumps , I turn on my laptop and read my collection of inspiring life quotes .

  12. 当你到美国家庭拜访时,大都会看到墙上挂有一,两个激励人生的格言牌。

    When you visit an American home you 're likely to see a cheerful message or two hanging on the wall .