
  1. 首先利用群论,将Td点群中以五个d轨道为基函数的五维可约表示向不可约表示约化,得到d轨道在正四面体场中的能级分裂;

    First of all , when the five-dimension reduction representation with the five d orbits wave-functions as the base functions is converted to an un-reduction representation , the energy splitting in tetrahedron crystal field can be obtained .

  2. 眼下正有场教师大罢工

    No , there 's a big teachers ' strike going on right now ,

  3. 正是这场运动确立了这家报纸的声誉。

    It was this campaign that established the paper 's reputation .

  4. 他们正开展一场反对在这个地区进行房地产开发的运动。

    They are campaigning to save the area from building development .

  5. 这个国家目前正被3场激烈的分离主义运动所困扰。

    The country is now racked by three violent separatist movements .

  6. 门德斯先生正领导一场运动,以拯救遭到乱砍滥伐的巴西热带雨林。

    Mr Mendes was leading a campaign to save Brazil 's rainforest from exploitation .

  7. 他们明白他们正处于一场零和博弈中,双方必须针锋相对,争夺那少得可怜的资源。

    They believe they 're playing a zero-sum game , where both must compete for the same paltry resources .

  8. 这个新生的国家目前正面临一场经济危机。。

    This newly founded country now faces an economic crisis .

  9. 此时此刻,通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)正处于一场严重的危机之中。

    General Motors is in the middle of a serious crisis right now .

  10. 随着进入后WTO时代,我国金融业正经历一场深刻而全面的历史性变革,金融机构也面临全新而富有挑战的发展局面。

    With China entering WTO , Chinese financial industry is going through a profound and all-around historical innovation , at the same time financial institutions are also faced with the new and challenging circumstances .

  11. 实际上,主权债务国正经历一场类似于国际货币基金组织(imf)计划的救助,而没有伴随在国内需求放缓的背景下将资源转向出口以促进增长所必需的货币贬值。

    In effect , sovereign debtors are undergoing the equivalent of an International Monetary Fund programme without the devaluation that is necessary to shift resources into exports to generate growth in the context of deflated domestic demand .

  12. CNN主播:与移动科技相适应的方式之一就是走近电影业,好莱坞名声最为响亮的一位人物—罗伯特·雷德福,正投入这场革命。

    CNNANCHOR : One of the ways mobile technology is adapting is by getting closer to the film industry , and one of Hollywood 's best known names , Robert Redford , is joining the revolution .

  13. 信用衍生品行业正面临一场大变革(bigbang)。昨天,市场参与者争相签署了一份新协议,该协议旨在回应政界和监管层指责该行业导致了市场危机的激烈批评。

    The credit derivatives industry faces a Big Bang today and yesterday participants were rushing to sign up to a new protocol designed to counter the intense criticism that has emanated from political and regulatory quarters over the industry 's alleged role in contributing to the market crisis .

  14. 我们正掀起一场革命,主张允许患者查看治疗师及医生所做记录的哈佛大学(Harvard)医学教授汤姆·德尔班科(TomDelbanco)表示,有些人被惊呆了。

    We 're creating a revolution , said Dr. Tom Delbanco , a professor of medicine at Harvard and a proponent of giving patients access to notes by therapists as well as by physicians . Some people are aghast .

  15. Sharma说,尼泊尔正处于一场可能的生态灾难的前沿,它必须在减少贫困及发展滞后与保护环境方面实现平衡。

    Nepal , at the frontline of a potential ecological disaster , must strike the right balance between reducing poverty and underdevelopment , and preserving the environment , argues Sharma .

  16. 目前,Trieste大学现正进行一场“零浪费”行动,旨在扩大回收,减少浪费及有毒物质。

    Currently , Trieste University , is conducting a " zero waste " operation , designed to expand recycling , reduce waste and toxic substances .

  17. 事实上,美元正处于一场拉锯战之中,一面是qe3,一面是市场对全球经济增长前景的担忧,结果美元夹在中间,摇摆不定。

    In fact , the dollar is now caught in a tug of war between qe3 on the one hand and fears over global growth on the other , leaving it in limbo .

  18. 为《nautica》和《超级游艇》(superyacht)等杂志撰稿的安吉洛科隆波(angelocolombo)表示,中国公司正掀起一场“收购大潮”,目标是在2008-09年经济衰退中受创的意大利悠久品牌。

    Chinese companies are on " a heavy buying spree " , targeting historic Italian brands that have fallen victim to the 2008-09 recession , says Angelo Colombo , a writer for Nautica and superyacht magazines .

  19. 两者之间正上演一场秘密的冷战吗?

    Is there a secret cold war between marrieds and singles ?

  20. 那间超级市场正建造停车场之类。

    A supermarket 's building a new car park or something .

  21. 他们正从事一场利害关系极大的紧张斗争。

    They were embarking on a tense struggle for enormous stakes .

  22. 我的调查结果表明,我们正面临一场全球时装危机。

    My soundings suggested we are facing a global fashion crisis .

  23. 但是,当代艺术实践本身正陷入一场前所未有的危机之中。

    But contemporary art practice itself is falling into an unprecedented crisis .

  24. 欧元区正滑向一场经济衰退,有可能相当严重。

    The eurozone heads into a recession , possibly severe .

  25. 时下,伦敦金融城正经历一场疯狂的“记忆失落”。

    The City is currently engaged in an orgy of memory loss .

  26. 我们正处于一场重大变革的风口浪尖。

    We are on the cusp of a major revolution .

  27. 该国正面临一场战争。

    The country is teetering on the brink of war .

  28. 现在这儿的情形正变成一场十足的灾难。

    The situation here now is becoming a regular disaster .

  29. 从心理学哲学的角度加以观察,我们会发现当代心理学正面临一场变革&从主体心理学转向存在心理学。

    There is a revolution of modernistic philosophy from subject to being .

  30. 管理正面临一场重大而深刻的变革。

    Management is facing a great and deep revolutionary changes .