
  • 网络Normal;normality;normal distribution;Shapiro-Wilk
  1. 本文给出模型参数β0的Fourier变换估计,并证明了估计量β的强相合性及渐近正态性。

    In this paper , β 0 is estimated by Fourier transformation method , and it is shown that the estimate of β 0 is strongly consistent and asymptotically normal .

  2. 用One-wayAnova比较各组的患者年龄、术前肌瘤、子宫体积不同血流来源类型分组间的肌瘤体积和肿瘤体积缩小率情况,并进行方差齐性、正态性检验。

    Use One-Way ANOVA comparison of the age , preoperative patients with uterine fibroids and different type of source volume blood flow between the group fibroid volume and tumor size decreased rate , variance , normal characteristic of all inspection .

  3. x~2分布、t分布和F分布的一致渐近正态性

    The Uniformly Asymptotic Normality of the x ~ 2-distribution , t-distribution and F-distribution

  4. 唐氏综合征筛查指标MOM值的正态性研究

    Study on normality of MOM of screening indexes for the down 's syndrome

  5. 综合最近邻法和最小二乘法,定义了β、g和σ2的估计量,在适当的条件下证明了σ2的估计量的渐进正态性。

    As a result , the asymptotic normality of σ 2 is obtained under some suitable conditions .

  6. NA样本密度函数估计一致渐近正态性的收敛速度

    The Rate of Uniformly Asymptotic Normality for Probability Density Estimator under Negatively Associated Samples

  7. NA序列的部分和乘积的渐近正态性

    Asymptotic distribution of the product of NA sums

  8. 威布尔分布或极值分布的GLUE的渐近正态性及其应用

    Asymptotic Normal Distribution of GLUE in the Case of the Weibull Distribution

  9. ARMA模型MA参数的G-M估计及其渐近正态性

    G-M estimation of the Ma parameters of ARMA processes and its asymptotic normal quality

  10. 截断和随机乘积的渐近正态性与NA序列的若干极限性质

    Asymptotic Properties of the Random Product of Trimmed Products and Some Limit Theorems of NA Sequences

  11. PA样本回归权函数估计的一致渐近正态性

    THE BOND WAVE FUNCTION Uniformly Asymptotic Normality of the Regression Weighted Estimator for Positively Associated Samples

  12. 洪旱灾害与鼠疫监测指标数据的分布经正态性检验,P值均远远小于0.05,所以可认为三组数据是偏态分布。

    Doing Normality test between drought and flood and the plague monitoring index data present P0.05 , so we could consider that three sets of data are skewness distribution .

  13. 提出BIN方法是在假设频数分布为正态性的前提下使用的。

    It was pointed out that BIN method is under a hypothesis that frequency is normally distributed .

  14. 对数随机系数自回归模型AR(1)参数矩估计的渐近正态性

    The Properties of the Asymptotic Normality of the Parameter Moment-estimator on Log Stochastic Coefficient AR ( 1 ) Model

  15. 探讨了最小二乘估计在线性EV模型中的大样本性质,即相合性与渐近正态性。

    The large sample properties of LS estimator in the linear EV model are discussed .

  16. 本文给出了两指标AR过程LS估计的渐近正态性。

    In this paper , asymptotic normality of the LS estimation of the two-dimensional AR process is given .

  17. 如何由XL的正态性来断定X的正态性,文中给出一些充分条件。

    Some sufficient conditions are given for asserting Ihc normality of X from the normality of XL .

  18. 最后,在相对简单的正则条件下,证明了随机回归变量条件下ML估计的相合性和渐近正态性。

    Under relatively simple conditions , the consistency and the asymptotic normality of the conditional ML estimator for stochastic regressors case are obtained .

  19. 数值变量以x±s表示,经正态性和方差齐性检验后,用t检验进行两总体均数的比较。

    Numerical variables were represented as x ± s. The normal distribution and variance homogeneity were measured then mean values were compared by the student tests .

  20. 利用Excel可以实现对化探数据多种项目的处理,如正态性检验;

    A variety of geochemical exploration data can be processed in the Microsoft Excel , such as : test of normality ;

  21. 本试验采用相对定量2-△△Ct法来检验基因的表达变化。7、实验数据常规进行方差齐性检验、正态性检验。

    We use the way of Delta-delta Ct to detect the relative mRNA expression in cells . 7 、 The experimental data were homogeneity of variance test and normality test .

  22. 统计指标均进行正态性及方差齐性检验,计量资料以均数士标准差(x±s)表示,计数资料用数值及百分比表示。

    Statistical indicators for normality and homogeneity of variance test , measurement data to the mean ± standard deviation ( x ± s ) and expressed as a percentage .

  23. 在相依样本情形,Masry([3],[4]19861987)分别对ρ-混合和渐近不相关情形讨论fn(x)的均方收敛和渐近正态性;

    Masry ( 1986,1987 ) discussed both quadratic - mean consistency and asymptotic normality for dependent sample and asymptotically uncorrelated ;

  24. 线性模型LSE函数刀切估计的渐近正态性

    Asymptotic normality about jackknife estimate of LSE of linear model

  25. 采用SPSS17.0软件进行统计分析,首先进行正态性检验,符合正态性检验采取配对t检验方法,结果以P0.05为有统计学差异。

    Using SPSS 17.0 software for statistical analysis , normality testing at first , followed by paired t test , P0.05 is believed as having statistically significant .

  26. 本文基本结论:由于资产收益率分布的非正态性应用VaR模型进行资产配置确实具有比马克维兹模型更高的效率;

    The basic conclusion of this text : Because of the abnormality property of return rate , VaR model is more efficient than Markowitz model ;

  27. 通过正态性、自相关性、稳定性以及ARCH效应的实证分析,发现沪深300指数不满足正态分布,基本不存在自相关性,而且是稳定的序列,但是收益分布存在明显的波动集聚性。

    After checking the normality , autocorrelation and ARCH effects and stability of the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index , the paper finds that it is non-normal , week auto relation , stable but volatility clustering apparently .

  28. 在平稳PA样本下,讨论了非参数回归模型中权函数估计的一致渐近正态性,并给出了这个估计的一致渐近正态性的收敛速度。

    In this paper , we discuss the uniformly asymptotic normality of the nonparametric regression weighted estimator and give the rates of the uniformly asymptotic normality for stationary and positively associated samples .

  29. 本文中,我们构造了一个U统计量作为β之方向的估计。在适当的光滑性条件下,本文证明了该U统计量作为β的方向的估计具有相合性与渐近正态性。

    In this paper , a series of U-statistics , which is to be the estimator of the direction of vector β, is constructed , and the consistency , asymptotic normality of the series are obtained .

  30. 针对一类双分量区间删失模型,讨论了Weibull分布参数最大似然估计的可识性,证明了该估计具有强相合性及渐近正态性。

    A two-component model with Weibull distribution and interval-censored data is considered . Under a general condition , the maximum likelihood estimators are identifiable , strong consistent and asymptotic normal .