
zì xiānɡ ɡuān xì shù
  • Autocorrelation coefficient;coefficient of autocorrelation
  1. 检验,用模型的残值εk的自相关系数rk检验模型;

    Test , applying the autocorrelation coefficients rh of the residuals ε k of the model to testing the model .

  2. 具有AR(1)误差的非线性随机效应模型中自相关系数的扰动诊断

    Perturbation Diagnostics of Autocorrelation Coefficients in Nonlinear Models with Random Effects and AR ( 1 ) Errors

  3. 研究基于MA模型,利用求解自相关系数矩阵的方法以及Johnson转换系统模拟粗糙表面。

    The research , based on MA model , uses the method of solving the autocorrelation coefficient matrix and Johnson translator system to simulate rough surfaces .

  4. 通过对步态加速度信号进行了数学建模,设计相应算法得到各类步态特征参数,包括步态周期、步调、步态加速度均方根、自相关系数、峰峰值、FFT等。

    The gait characteristic parameters , such as gait cycle , cadence , the RMS of acceleration , autocorrelation coefficients , peak-to-peak values , FFT are determined .

  5. 再根据流量的自相关系数和偏相关系数,从不同的角度进行分析,分别得到了流量变化的AR模型和ARMA模型;

    Then the autocorrelation coefficient and partial correlation coefficient of traffic were analyzed from different angles , and the AR model and ARMA model of the GPRS cells traffic were proposed .

  6. 修正矩估计谱分析是一种通过自相关系数来估计模型参数和谱的AR谱分析法。因为它利用大量自相关系数的信息,所以有较好的估计精度。

    The AR spectral analysis based on Modified Yule-Walker Algorithms uses the estimated autocorrelations to estimate AR model and AR spectrum , It has good performance because it uses a large amount of the information of autocorrelation .

  7. 其次采用自相关系数、Q统计量和构造自回归移动平均过程三种方法对上证综合指数进行随机游走检验,得出上海股票市场还未达到弱式有效性的结论。

    After that , three methods : correlation coefficient , Q statistic weight and autoregressive moving average process , were used to have the random inspection on Shanghai Index . The conclusion is Shanghai security market is still not the weak-from efficiency .

  8. 根据衍射光学束匀滑器件透过率函数的自相关系数,重新定义了表征衍射光学器件(DOE)焦面光强分布束匀滑性能的两个参数:光能利用率和顶部不均匀性。

    In this paper , based on the autocorrelation coefficient of the transmittance function of the diffractive optical element ( DOE ) for beam smoothing , two performance parameters , light efficiency and top non-uniformity , are re-defined .

  9. 分析了上海地区的电离层TEC的全月均值和月变化强度,以及自相关系数中的全日变化分量,半日变化分量和随机变化分量。

    These are the grand monthly median and the intensity of the monthly variability of the ionospheric TEC , the diurnal component , semi-diurnal component and random component in the auto-correlation coefficient of the ionospheric TEC in 2004 .

  10. 衍射光学束匀滑器件的自相关系数与性能参数

    Autocorrelation Coefficient and Performance Parameter of Diffractive Optical Element for Beam Smoothing

  11. 用自相关系数法分析精密频率源的噪声模型

    An autocorrelation coefficient method for analysing the mode of noise in precise frequency sources

  12. 在射流的横截面上,自相关系数为一常数。

    The autocorrelation coefficient is constant over a cross sectional area of the jet .

  13. M序列自相关系数的递推算法

    The recursive algorithm of autocorrelation coefficients of m-sequences

  14. 电离层二次反射回波的分布规律和自相关系数

    The distribution and auto - correlation coefficient of the doubly - reflected echoes from the ionosphere

  15. 它从自相关系数的相位差的最佳线性组合中提取频率值。

    It retrieves the frequency from the optimal linear combination of the differenced phase of autocorrelations .

  16. 目的探讨空间自相关系数及区域型空间自相关系数对疾病的空间数据聚集性的应用。

    Objective To explore application of spatial autocorrelation and local indicators of spatial autocorrelation in disease .

  17. 首先,利用自相关系数法分析中国期货市场有效性,得出中国期货市场非弱型有效的结论;

    First , we check up the validity of Future Market of China by the way of self-relativity .

  18. 不同层结条件下,沙尘天气的欧拉时间自相关系数衰减总体上强于晴天。

    During the different condition , Euler time autocorrelation coefficient in the sand storm decays strongly than fine day .

  19. 计算了河南省6个台站的相邻时段的地磁场总强度观测资料的自相关系数。

    Autocorrelation coefficients of data of geomagnetic total intensity of neighboring periods from six stations in Henan province are calculated respectively .

  20. 统计得出了各台所对应的地震震级与自相关系数异常面积和震中距的经验公式。

    Empirical formulas between magnitude , anomalous area of the autocorrelation coefficients and epicentral distance for every station are statistically obtained .

  21. 构建基于时滞的时间序列自相关系数和自相关函数式,提出了时滞判定的功率谱方法。

    Constructing self-relativity coefficient and function of time series involving the time delay , the power spectrum method to identify the time delay is proposed .

  22. 日、周、月收益率序列自相关系数没有随滞后期数增加而减弱为零的趋势。

    The autocorrelation coefficients ( AC ) of daily , weekly and monthly returns have no trend of weakening zero with the lag number increasing .

  23. 通过比较不同时窗宽度和不同相关窗宽度条件下计算出的湍流能谱、自相关系数等湍流参数,找到了时窗和相关窗各自比较合适的折中值。

    Through calculating and comparing the turbulent characteristics for different time window width and correlation window width , the tradeoff values of them have been acquired .

  24. 用新息序列的平均平方和及正交自相关系数超过出置信度极限以外数为评价函数,可评价所估计的背景形状。

    The mean square sum of innovations and the points of normalized autocorrelation coefficients lying outside the 95 % confidence limit can be used to estimate the background form .

  25. 最后还研究了平均指示压力同从点火到燃烧百分率为0.1、0.5、0.9时曲轴转过角度之间的自相关系数。

    The autocorelation coefficients between IMEP and crank traveling angle from spark timing to mass fraction burned equal to 0.1 , 0.5 and 0 . 9 respectively are also studied .

  26. 提出了信号自相关系数相似距离的概念,证明并讨论了噪声和信号之间的可辨别自相关相似距离,据此总结出基于相关系数的地震信号端点检测方法,并给出了算法的具体实现步骤。

    And based on the auto-correlated similarity , the auto-detection method of seismic signal endpoints was summed up . The steps of implementation and determining of the threshold were presented in detail .

  27. 首先,利用自相关系数和偏自相关系数图以及二阶自回归模型对机动车辆保险的周期存在性进行定性与定量分析。

    Firstly , the thesis tests the existence of U / W cycle in Chinese motor insurance through the analysis of the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation and the test of two order autoregression .

  28. 根据延迟功率谱为负指数衰减的无线信道的特点,本文提出了一种基于信道频率自相关系数的信噪比估计新方法。

    According to the characteristics of the wireless channels with the exponential decay delay profile , a novel SNR estimation algorithm is proposed based on the frequency autocorrelation coefficients of the wireless channels .

  29. 挖掘结果也体现了将自相关系数和关联规则结合的新思路的价值,无论从运行时间还是共生类型结果上来说都证明了该方法的可行性。

    Mining results also reflect the value of new ideas that combine autocorrelation and association rules , in terms of running time or the type of symbiosis results has proved the feasibility of the method .

  30. 采用改进的非线性共轭梯度法以及割线法精确线搜索求解非线性方程组,克服牛顿迭代法对自相关系数矩阵的求解收敛性差以及计算效率低下。

    In order to solve the autocorrelation coefficient matrix of rough surfaces , uses the Newton iteration method and the Nonlinear conjugate gradient method to solve the Nonlinear equations which is of low efficiency and poor convergence .