
  • 网络Freedom;Free Realms;In a Free State;Freedomland
  1. 使用了Bullet的游戏包括Rockstar的红色死亡救赎和Sony的自由国度(MMORPG)。

    Some of the games that have used Bullet include Rockstar 's Red Dead Redemption and Sony 's Free Realms ( MMORPG ) .

  2. 他们的牺牲,让我们得以成为在自由国度里生活的自由之人。

    They died so we could live as free people in a world of free nations .

  3. fernandes先生想在新加坡获取许可证,建立运行点,甚至连这个自由国度也一口回绝了。

    Even in liberal Singapore , Mr Fernandes has been rebuffed in his attempts to win a licence to set up an operating base .

  4. 这是最好的治疗是存在自由国度的。

    It is the best therapy there is .

  5. 因为这是个自由国度

    because it 's a free country .

  6. 是啊,恐怕在我们那个“自由国度”是行不通的

    Yeah , I 'm afraid it doesn 't work like that in the " land of the free . "

  7. 这是人们希望生活在一个自由国度的主要原因。我们需要有作出选择的权力。

    That is the main reason people want to live in a free country . We want the power to choose .

  8. 今天印度就会是个自由国度。我们的知识分子就不会像自己国家里的外国人,而能直接道出我们的心声;

    We should have today a free india , we should have our educated men , not as if they were foreigners in their own land but speaking to the heart of the nation ;

  9. 也许他们现在还不太完全了解。但是可以借着这个机会,了解到居住在一个自由国度的真正意义,向为此做出贡献的人们致敬!

    They may not quite get it , but it 's a chance for them to understand what it means to live in a country that 's free and respect those who paid a price for that .

  10. 马丁的妻子比拉尔,儿子巴普洛和马可斯的女友玛丽亚卡门的到来打断了二人在这个自由国度的生活。

    The arrival of Martin ´ s wife Pilar and son Pablo , and Marcos ´ girlfriend Maria del Carmen , marks the end of the bachelor life they were living in a country with lost of freedom .

  11. 在这个崭新的自由的国度,我需要保护吗?

    Do I need protecting in this free , new republic ?

  12. 这是个自由的国度,我喜欢散步

    It 's a free country . I like to walk .

  13. 自由的国度就这样沦落在魔戒的威力之下

    the Free Lands of Middle-earth fell to the power of the Ring

  14. 防范灾难性的突发攻击事件,与所有自由的国度休戚相关。

    All free nations have a stake in preventing sudden and catastrophic attacks .

  15. 我们本以为来到了一个自由的国度。

    And we thought we had come to the land of the free .

  16. 谣言5:这是个自由的国度

    Myth 5 : It 's A Free Country

  17. 美国自由的国度而闻名于世。

    America is famous for its freedom .

  18. 在这自由的国度

    For the land of the free

  19. 我们要帮助伊拉克人民实现一个团结、稳定、自由的国度,这需要我们做出持久的承诺。

    And helping Iraqis achieve a united , stable and free country will require our sustained commitment .

  20. 这是一个自由的国度,一个自由的论坛,你确实可以发表你的观点。

    It 's a free country and a free board , you are certainly entitled to your opinion .

  21. 我们生活在这个自由的国度在这个被定义为自由平等的地方

    You know we live in this great country that is about freedoms defined by our freedoms and equality

  22. 总会有一个自由的国度,我带你去,只要一起,天堂,地狱都好。

    There will always be a free country , I take you , as long as , together , heaven and hell are good .

  23. 我把毕生精力都献给了美国的安全和繁荣,以及每个渴望自由的国度。

    My career has been dedicated to the security and prosperity of America and that of every nation that seeks to live in freedom .

  24. 我们生在父母遗留给我们的一个自由的国度,即使古巴岛陆沉大海,我们也不会同意做任何人的奴隶。

    We were born in a free country that our parents bequeathed to us and the island will sink into the sea before we consent to be slaves of anyone .

  25. 他认为在温和派领导人埃尔多安的领导下,土耳其已成为了一个自由的国度,其流行文化横扫中东,可与风靡亚洲的“韩流”相媲美。

    Under the moderately Islamic leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan , he argues , Turkey is now free to be itself . Its pop culture is rolling across the Middle East like the " Korean wave " sweeping Asia .

  26. 《自由职业的国度》(FreeAgentNation)一书的作者丹尼尔•平克将最新兴起的自由职业浪潮归结为如下几个因素。

    Daniel pink , author of free agent nation , attributes the recent rise in freelancers to several factors .

  27. 我们为生在自由民主的国度而自豪。

    We pride ourselves on our liberal democracy .

  28. 候鸟自由地飞越国度。

    Migratory birds fly freely across borders .

  29. 美国是一个拥有自由与机遇的国度。

    America is the land of freedom and opportunity .

  30. 即便是在像美国般自由、宽容的国度,公开表示同性恋倾向仍然意味着将受到不少压力和挑战。

    Even in liberal , more tolerant societies like the US , coming out ( revealing one 's homosexuality openly ) means one can face a lot of pressure and challenges .