
  1. 在新闻立台的推动下,各城市电视台纷纷开办了自己的新闻节目。

    With the idea of developing news program , the urban TV station sets up news programs in succession .

  2. 对于电视这一影响巨大的媒体,新闻立台既是现实需要,也是历史必然。

    As a media with huge influence , the journalism-oriented stand for TV channels is both practical needs and historical necessity .

  3. “新闻立台”的构成要素包括以下五个方面:1.需要形成新闻节目链;

    The essential constituting factors of " building the station newswise " consist of the following 5 needs : 1 . a need to form the news program chain ;

  4. 本文通过调查数据对黑龙江卫视频道的观众反馈、频道自身优势、竞争对手状况加以分析整理,最终将黑龙江卫视频道定位为:新闻立台、娱乐为辅。

    The paper analyzes and collects survey data on audience feedback , own advantages of the channel , situation of competitors , ultimately positioning Heilongjiang satellite TV channel-news channel with entertainment as supplementary programs .

  5. 这是因为作为以新闻立台的新闻频道,动态新闻类节目的地位是最为重要的,它的节目的内容的基本情况可以说可以基本反映整个新闻频道节目的整体情况。

    Furthermore , as a TV channel based on news , the status of the dynamic news programme is vital because the contents of it can reflect the general condition of the whole news channel .