
  1. 我非常高兴看到新一代企业家。

    I 'm very glad to see the new generation of entrepreneurs .

  2. 是新一代企业家的象征

    He was this new symbol of entrepreneurship .

  3. 此举是中国新一代企业家向美国精英大学作出高调捐赠的最新一例。

    The initiative is the latest high-profile donation to elite US universities by a new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs .

  4. 我的梦想是看到新一代企业家不断涌现,创造并拥有更多有意义的工作,而不是从事日复一日的苦差事。

    My dream is to see a new generation of entrepreneurs who are creating and having more meaningful jobs than the day-to-day grind .

  5. 通过推出一些举措、撼动大亨主导经济的局面,香港能够为新一代企业家的成长开辟道路。

    By putting in place forces that could shake up its tycoon-dominated economy , it could open the way for a new generation of entrepreneurs .

  6. 埃文斯从2004年起驻香港工作,帮助多家中国大企业上市,并成为中国新一代企业家进入美国资本市场的重要渠道。

    Based in Hong Kong from 2004 , Mr Evans helped many of China 's biggest companies go public and became a key conduit to US capital markets for a new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs .

  7. 据汇丰私人银行的12月8日发布的报道显示,中国内地新一代企业家的崛起正在对传统意义上“企业家”这一概念形成挑战。

    The rise of the new entrepreneurs on Chinese mainland has posed challenge to the traditional concept of " entrepreneurs , " says a report released by HSBC Private Bank on Dec. 8 , 2015 .

  8. 凭借真人秀节目、香水和时装产品,卡戴珊家族成为了新一代名人企业家的代表。

    With reality shows , fragrances and fashion lines , the Kardashians embody the new celebrity entrepreneur .

  9. 新一代中国企业家对其业务在国际上的潜力充满信心。

    A new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs is full of confidence about the international potential of their businesses .

  10. 企业家是最重要的人力资源,要努力培养和选拔新一代优秀企业家队伍,关键是有一套良好的用人机制。

    Enterprisers are the most important human resources , and a good personnel-use mechanism is of crucial importance for the selecting and fostering talented enterprisers .

  11. 科技帮助促进了经济增长,创造了新一代的年轻企业家。

    Technology is helping that growth , and producing a new generation of young entrepreneurs .

  12. 科技正助力经济增长,同时也产生了新一代的青年企业家。

    Technology is helping fuel that growth , and producing a new generation of young entrepreneurs .

  13. 然而,赫尔利和陈士骏也展现出了在最新的网络繁荣中升至顶端的新一代企业家的许多典型特点。

    Yet Mr Hurley and Mr Chen also exhibit many of the characteristics typical of the new wave of entrepreneurs rising to the top in the latest internet boom .