
  1. 数码爱好者们会发现亚马逊上满是新潮电子产品的推荐,而新妈妈们在相同的位置看到的却是婴幼儿产品。

    A gadget enthusiast may find Amazon Web pages heavy on device suggestions , while a new mother could see those same pages offering up baby products .

  2. 推广这项“电子菜单”技术的公司称,这种新潮的电子点餐法除了可以节约成本外,还能吸引年轻顾客,而且牛排和甜点等各种美味佳肴的图片能“引诱”顾客消费,从而增加餐馆的收益。

    Besides cutting costs , companies that sell the " e-menu " argue the bytes-for-bites approach has a novelty value that can lure younger customers , and boost revenues as tantalizing photographs of succulent steaks and gooey desserts tempt diners to order more .