
  • 网络University of New Orleans;UNO University of New Orleans;NewOrleans
  1. 他们决定将学校命名为新奥尔良大学

    They decided to name the school New Orleans University

  2. 我还想感谢今天热情招待我们的新奥尔良大学全体同仁

    I also want to thank all the folks from the University of New Orleans for hosting us here today

  3. 据美国新奥尔良大学的研究显示,早在20世纪三十年代,大学游泳队们就发现了佛罗里达作为热门度假地的潜力。

    According to research from the University of New Orleans , college swim teams discovered Florida 's vacation potential back in the 1930s .

  4. 论文的另一位作者、美国新奥尔良Tulane大学的LeeDyer说,许多同样的拟寄生物也广泛分布于农田中。

    Many of the same parasitoids are also widespread in agricultural areas , says co-author Lee Dyer of Tulane University in New Orleans , Louisiana , United States .

  5. 他还担任唯一新奥尔良的路易斯安那州立大学医学中心皮肤科副教授。

    He also serves as associate professor of dermatologic surgery at Louisiana State University Medical Center in New Orleans .