
  • 网络Hartford;university of hartford
  1. 我是一名来自哈特福德大学主修教育学的大四学生。

    I am a senior at the University of Hartford majoring in education .

  2. 我选择的哈特福德大学经过了认证,至少我敢肯定。

    The Harford University I 'm attending is accredited , at least I 'm pretty sure it is .

  3. “我们告诉他们,显然,您可以用它来做很多,”罗伯特费希尔说,他是在哈特福德的康涅狄格大学研究生院社会的教社区组织工作。

    " We tell them , 'Obviously there 's a lot you can do with it , ' " said Robert Fisher , who teaches community organizing at the graduate school of social work at the University Of Connecticut , Hartford .