
  • 网络The University of Southern Mississippi;Southern Mississippi;Southern Miss
  1. 南密西西比大学的劳伦斯·帕特西斯近来研究了约20位拥有HSAM者,发现他们在幻想倾向和专注力两方面得分特别高。

    Lawrence Patihis at the University of Southern Mississippi recently studied around 20 people with HSAM and found that they scored particularly high on two measures : fantasy proneness and absorption .

  2. SteveLohrenz是南密西西比大学的海洋生物学家,该学校就位于石油泄露地点附近。

    Steve Lohrenz is a marine biologist at the University of Southern Mississippi , which is near the spill .

  3. 南密西西比大学JohnHarsh博士和他的同事们询问了738名2至12岁儿童的父母,了解他们孩子的睡眠习惯。

    John Harsh at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg and his colleagues asked the parents of 738 children aged between 2 and 12 about their children 's sleeping habits .