
  1. 南北车合并后年营收达320亿美元,它们将不再相互杀价,并且应该能在研发等职能方面节约成本。

    As a combined entity with annual revenues of $ 32bn , CNR and CSR will no longer undercut each other and should be able to realise savings on functions such as research and development .

  2. 然而,一名参与南北车合并的银行家表示,该交易事实上比许多国企合并案更复杂,这是因为,这两家公司均同时在上海和香港两地上市,合并必须获得四群股东的同意。

    One banker involved in the train deal , however , said it was in fact more complex than many SoE deals since it required agreement by four sets of shareholders as both groups are dual-listed in Shanghai and Hong Kong .