
  1. 分析我国计算机信息系统集成资质认证的特点、作用和存在弊端。

    In this paper , the position and function of the qualification certification is presented and analysed in detail .

  2. 按照需求完成了系统集成资质认证审核的流程,满足了日常工作开展的需要。

    Completed in accordance with demand System Integration Qualification Certification audit process , to meet the daily needs of the work carried out .

  3. 论述了开展计算机信息系统集成资质认证工作的背景、意义,提出了我省计算机信息系统集成资质认证工作的程序和方法,解决了相关企业面临的有关问题。

    This article discusses the background and importance of carrying out computer information system integration ranked certification work , puts forward the sequence and method of computer information system integration ranked certification of our province , and solves some relevant questions the related bussiness faced .

  4. 本文对涉密信息系统的建设进行了初步探讨,介绍了2005年国家保密局颁布的《涉及国家秘密的计算机信息系统集成资质管理办法》相关内容。

    This paper explains the concept of some confidential information system , discusses preliminarily the construction of confidential information system , and introduces the related contents in the " Administrative Measures on Qualification of Integrating Computer Information System Involving State Secrets " promulgated by the State Secrecy Bureau in 2005 .