
xì pǔ xué
  • genealogy
  1. rDNAITS基因系谱学对曲霉、青霉和拟青霉分类形态特征的研究

    Evaluation on taxonomic characters of Aspergillus , Penicillium and Paecilomyces by rDNA ITS gene genealogy

  2. 从建筑的意义理论、建筑师的系谱学、建筑的时代精神表征等三个理论角度,评析了库哈斯设计的CCTV大楼,认为其设计的作品是不合宜的。

    The paper makes a comment on Rem Koolhaas CCTV head office building from three theory angles such as the theories of architectural significances , pedigree genealogy of architects and the expressions of architectural times spirit , etc.

  3. 为什麽尼采称呼这为「系谱学」?

    Why does Nietzsche call this work a genealogy ?

  4. 他对系谱学和建筑都有兴趣,并计划在这两个领域进行研究。

    He was interested in genealogy and architecture , planning for studies in these two fields .

  5. 福柯用考古学和系谱学的方法去考证人和构造人,并赋予人以真实的涵义。

    Foucault made textual research into and structured human from the perspective of archaeology and genealogy and gave human the true connotation .

  6. 福柯运用考古学、系谱学方法严厉地批判了传统的历史主义,打破历史神话,重塑真实的历史。

    Foucault uses the methods of archaeology and pedigree severely criticizing the traditional history , breaking the historical myth and remolding the effective history .

  7. 第二阶段是70年代,他关注的焦点侧重权力问题,这一时期为系谱学时期;

    The second stage was 、 the 1970 's , he pays attention to the power question and this period was " genealogy " period .

  8. 为什么尼采称呼这为「系谱学」?我们已读过有关出身和血统的类似研究(鲁索的不平等的起源)。

    Why does Nietzsche call this work a genealogy ? We have met with a similar study of origin and descent-Rousseau 's account of the origin of inequality .

  9. 本文认为,巴特勒摆脱了在上述两种观点中做出唯一选择的纠结,而是运用系谱学的方法,以解构的思路做出了新的探索。

    According to this paper , instead of suffering from the tangle to make a choice from the above two viewpoints , Butler makes a new exploration with the method of genealogy and the idea of deconstruction .

  10. 福柯的知识考古学和系谱学就其含义、基本思想有所不同:知识考古学重深层结构、重知识,系谱学重表面细节、重权力。

    As far as the definitions and basic concepts are concerned , the knowledge archaeology is different from pedigree hypotheses in that the previous stresses the deep structure and knowledge , and the latter the superficial details and power .