
  • 网络Lloyds TSB;LYG;Lloyds Banking Group;Lloyds TSB Group
  1. 劳埃德银行集团(lloydsbankinggroup)正尝试推出一项以客户服务而非销售业绩为标准奖励员工的计划。

    Lloyds Banking Group is testing a programme of rewarding staff for customer service rather than sales .

  2. 劳埃德银行集团(LloydsBankingGroup)股价在英国政府2013年9月开始减持以来已上涨11%。

    Lloyds Banking Groupshares have risen 11 per cent since the government started selling down its stake in September 2013 .

  3. 它们逃脱了,而苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)和劳埃德银行集团(LloydsBankingGroup)则深陷不良贷款的困境,至今仍留在英国政府的隔离病房内。

    They got away , while Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group have become so entangled in bad loans they remain in the UK government sanatorium .

  4. 但包括劳埃德银行集团(LloydsBankingGroup)在内的多家银行担心,如果许多机构一股脑地想迁出去,搬迁总部所需的代价高昂的法律流程将被进一步拖延。

    But the banks , including Lloyds Banking Group , are worried that the costly legal process required to change domicile would be further delayed if many institutions rush to move at the same time .

  5. 据了解劳埃德银行集团(lloydsbankinggroup)薪酬改革计划的知情人士透露,该行正在研究是否摒弃向资深员工发放年度奖金的做法,并将长期激励的支付期限延长到至多10年。

    Lloyds Banking groupis examining whether to ditch the concept of annual bonuses for senior staff and extend the timeframe of longer-term incentives to up to 10 years , according to people briefed on a project to overhaul remuneration .

  6. 英国的劳埃德银行集团(LloydsBankingGroup)6月份已宣布裁员1.5万人,而自金融危机爆发以来已裁员2.8万人的苏格兰皇家银行(RBS),预计还将进一步精简人数。

    In the UK Lloyds Banking Group , announced 15,000 job losses in June while Royal Bank of Scotland , which has already shed 28,000 staff since the financial crisis , is expected to further prune its headcount .

  7. 第一个问题,至少在劳埃德银行集团(LBG)案例中有,是预期的额外资本太少而无法应对严重危机。

    The first problem , at least in the case of LBG , is that the extra capital promised is too small to deal with a serious crisis .

  8. 劳埃德TSB集团副首席执行官迈克•费尔雷(MikeFairey)指出:劳埃德TSB希望成为同性恋和双性恋人士所选择的雇主和银行。

    Mike Fairey , Lloyds TSB deputy chief executive , said : Lloyds TSB wants to be the employer and bank of choice for lesbian , gay and bisexual people .

  9. 伦敦股市的所有注意力都集中在劳埃德银行集团身上。

    In London , all eyes were on the Lloyds Banking Group .

  10. 劳埃德银行集团最近收购的苏格兰海法银行的损失远远超出意料,令股市感到不安。

    Much larger than expected losses at Halifax-Bank of Scotland or HBOS , which Lloyds recently acquired , sent jitters through the market .

  11. 劳埃德银行集团试图操纵伦敦银行间同业拆借利率,这一利率用于为全球价值数万亿美元的合同定价。

    Charges in the cases was Lloyds Banking Groups tried to manipulate the LIBOR which was used to set trillions of dollars of contracts around the world .

  12. 委托开展该调查的英国劳埃德保险集团的保罗卢埃林说,不管是什么原因,这些发现证明英国人的确很关注天气变化。

    Whatever the reason , " these findings prove that we really are a nation obsessed by our climate ," said Paul Llewellyn of Lloyds TSB Insurance , which commissioned the poll .

  13. 劳埃德银行集团在金融危机期间曾向英国政府寻求巨额财政援助,该集团称其在实施重组措施后,已将中期净亏损额减至6.76亿英镑(合10.2亿美元)。

    Lloyds Banking Group , which sought a massive bailout from the British government during the financial crisis , said that it had cut interim net losses to 676 million pounds ( $ 1.02 billion ) on the back of restructuring measures .