
  • 网络labor education
  1. 重视学生的劳作教育,并产生了较好的教育效果。

    Laying stress on students ' labor education which produces good education results .

  2. 劳作教育的实质是通过让学生动手这种活动,培养学生的创造精神。

    The essence of the labor education is training the students ' creative spirit through letting the students operate themselves .

  3. 公民教育是劳作教育的目的与归宿,二者相互印证,相互实现。

    The citizen education is the purpose and destination of the labor education . Both the two confirm and realize each other .

  4. 中国现代的劳动技术教育的前身为民国时期劳作教育。

    The modern primary and secondary school Education of The Labor Technology Education in China derived from Labor and Work during the period of ROC .

  5. 德国教育家乔治·凯兴斯泰教育思想体系核心是公民教育思想和劳作教育思想。

    The core of Geog Kerschenteniner 's , a educationist of Germany , educational thought system is the citizen education thought and the labor education system .

  6. 这样一来,本文汉代女子教育的内容构成便包括德行教育、文化教育、艺术教育、劳作教育及审美教育等。

    In this way , the content of the Han Dynasty woman education is moral education , cultural education , art education , labor education and aesthetic education .

  7. 公民教育的主要内容是公民的权利与义务教育,集体观念的教育,权威感教育,民族感教育和劳作教育。

    The main content of citizen education is the citizen 's right and duty , collective idea education , authoritative feeling education , national feeling education and labor education .