
  • 网络labor-management cooperation
  1. 论劳资合作博弈中利益的帕累托改进&基于和谐劳动关系的分析视角

    On Pareto improvement of the benefits in the labor-management cooperation gaming-On the perspective of the analysis of " harmonious labor relationship "

  2. 劳资合作在民国时期是普遍认识,不管是政府还是企业,都有相关的主张。

    Labor-management cooperation is widely recognized in the Republic of China . Both the government and the enterprise have the relevant claims .

  3. 战后德国劳资合作制度及其社会调控作用

    German Postwar Labor-Capital Co-Operation System & Social Adjustment

  4. 在劳资合作新思想的指导下,泰罗开创了管理理论之先河。

    Under the guidance of a new ideaLabour & Capital Cooperation , Taylor first put forward management theory .

  5. 在认知层面,资本家阶级高倡劳资合作主义,鲜有例外。

    On the conceptual level , the capitalists unexeptionally sang odes to the cooperation between capital and labor .

  6. 劳资合作:入世后我国企业劳资关系的发展方向

    Collaboration between Labour and Capital : The Development Direction of the Employee - Employer Relation in China after Acceding to WTO

  7. 纯消极的让步是有过的,那就是第二国际的劳资合作论⑶,把一个阶级一个革命都让掉了。

    There are indeed instances of purely negative concessions & the Second International 's doctrine of collaboration between labour and capital [ 3 ] resulted in the betrayal of a whole class and a whole revolution .

  8. “劳资合作论”,是第二国际主张在资本主义国家内,无产阶级与资产阶级合作,反对用革命手段推翻资产阶级统治以建立无产阶级专政的一种反动理论。

    " The doctrine of collaboration between labour and capital " is the reactionary doctrine of the second international , which advocates such collaboration in the capitalist countries and opposes the revolutionary overthrow of bourgeois rule and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat .

  9. 同时,本文阐述了瑞典劳资政合作模式带给我们中国的启示:坚持走中国特色社会主义道路;协调劳资政三方关系,构建社会主义和谐社会。

    Meanwhile , this paper states that which enlightenments the cooperative mode can bring to China : insisting on taking the socialist road of Chinese characteristics , coordinating the tripartite relation between labourers , capitalists and government , and constructing the socialist harmonious society .

  10. 伴随管理创新,西方劳资关系发生了由集体谈判为主的模式向劳资合作模式的转变,这种转变引来了各学科领域的研究,但各学科庞杂、理论林立的弊病日渐显现。

    Labor relations in the West have changed from collective bargaining model to labor-management cooperation model along with management innovations , which attracts the researchers from many disciplines .

  11. 西方国家劳资双方的矛盾近年来得到很大的缓解,劳资双方的合作关系发生了较大的变化,为社会稳定和经济发展提供了有利的条件。

    In recent years , the contradiction , between labor and capital , has been greatly alleviated in western countries , and the cooperative relation between them has also been improved , which provide a favorable condition for the social stability and economic development .

  12. 最后,对于构建我国非公有制企业和谐劳资关系的路径进行了探索,提出应建立和形成均衡的劳资力量格局,达成劳资双方深度合作。

    Finally , to explore ways to build harmonious Labor Relations in the non-public-owned enterprises in China , should establish and form a balanced pattern of labor force and carry out the depth of cooperation between employers and employees .