
  1. 其次,认真分析了卢卡奇为社会存在本体论确定的几个基本范畴劳动、再生产和意识。

    Secondly , I carefully analyses several basic concepts of lukacs ' social existential ontology like labor , reproduction and consciousness .

  2. 一个国家房地产业发展的程度,尤其是住宅经济的发展水平,对社会劳动的再生产具有重要影响。

    The degree to which the real estate of a country develops and the level of housing economy play an important role in reproduction of social workforce .

  3. 马克思《资本论》中的生产劳动论与再生产理论是一个有机统一体。

    The productive labour and reproductive theory is an organic unity in " Capital " by Karl Marx .

  4. 森林生态效益经济补偿机制是现阶段推进我国林业向纵深发展的关键性措施,必须以马克思主义的劳动价值论和再生产理论作为分析该问题的基础。

    A system of financial compensation for ecological benefit of forest is key measures which can carry forestry forward wholly development , the analysis should base on the labor-value theory and the reproduction theory of Marxism .

  5. 结果显示,上海知识员工的体面劳动水平偏低,其中劳动、收入、再生产技能等低层保障水平要明显低于工作、代表权等高层次保障水平。

    The result shows that decent work of knowledge workers in Shanghai is low-level , and that the level of security on labor , income and reproductive ability is much lower than that of security on work and representative right .