
  • 网络labor unit
  1. 受送达人是被监禁的,通过其所在监所或者劳动改造单位转交。

    Where the addressee is in prison , the service shall be effected via the prison or reform-through-labor unit where he stays .

  2. 如何计算商品中凝结的社会必要劳动时间?单位产品必要的劳动消耗量

    How to calculate the socially necessary labor time spent in the commodities ? unit manpower needs

  3. 这些变量有:单位劳动资本、单位劳动产出、资本&产出比、生产要素价格、劳动者老年期和青年期消费等。

    These are unit labor output , capital - output ratio , the prices of production factors , old age and youth workers consumption , and so on .

  4. 诚然,马克思在《资本论》中说过,各种劳动的计量单位是简单劳动,但马克思所说的简单劳动实际上就是指社会平均劳动。

    Although in Capital Marx said that the unit to measure labor is simple labor , in fact it referred to social labor on average that was ignored by all .

  5. 部门劳动生产率与单位商品价值呈反比,个别价值与部门价值的差异是由各生产者劳动生产率的差异导致的,个别生产者的劳动生产率与其所能获得的社会价值总量呈正比关系。

    Secondly , the department labor production rate has the inverse ratio relation with the unity goods value , and the different value of different producer is caused by their own labor production rate .

  6. 多年生禾草混播草地的产出/投入比、劳动生产率和单位草地面积的净收益都明显高于作物田(燕麦地)、放牧草地和封育草地,经济效益明显;

    The results also indicate that the economic benefit of the mixture grassland is significant , the input / output ratio , output / labor ratio and the net income from per unit area of the mixture grassland are higher than the oat land , grazing grassland and fenced grassland .

  7. 在中国劳务输出的项目一般都由省一级劳动厅属下的单位统一办理。

    Q : In China , the program of the export of labor services is generally handled by subordinate unit to the provincial Labor Department .

  8. 劳动者已经付出劳动的,该单位或者其出资人应当依照本法有关规定向劳动者支付劳动报酬、经济补偿、赔偿金;

    If the workers have already worked for the employer , the employer or its capital contributors shall pay the workers remunerations , economic compensations or indemnities as prescribed in this Law .

  9. 选矿指标:选矿品位,选矿日处理量,选冶回收率,选矿磨机作业率、车间劳动效率及车间单位电耗。

    1.2.2 Ore processing targets : processed ore grade , daily ore processing capacity , reclaiming rate of mining and metallurgy , ore milling rate , ore processing efficiency and unit electricity consumption .