
  • 网络Processability of Plastic Parts Structure
  1. 产品结构工艺性评价是降低产品制造成本,提高产品质量,实施并行设计(CE)的核心环节。

    The evaluation of product structure processing is core part in decreasing manufacture cost , improving product quality and implementing CE .

  2. 冲裁件的工艺性良好与否对冲裁件的质量、制造成本以及模具寿命有很大影响。本文利用VBA编程语言,实现了冲裁件的预处理和逻辑约束分析以及结构工艺性分析;

    VBA programme language has been adopted to realize the pretreatment and the logic constraint analysis and the structural technologic analysis of the blanking part .

  3. 以注塑模具设计为例,讨论了塑料材料性能数据库集成、塑件结构工艺性数据集成、基于CBR的模具设计推理方法集成、模型参数驱动的零部件设计集成以及基于统一装配模型的模架设计集成。

    Take the plastic mold design process as the example , plastic material performance database and structure feature data are integrated into the PDM system . Mold design technology such as the CBR , model parameter driven parts library , uniform assembly model , are controlled by the PDM environment .

  4. 电子钣金件结构工艺性研究

    The Study on Processability of Product Structure of Metal Plate Products

  5. 产品结构工艺性审查的分析和探讨

    Study of Processing Performance and Economy or Product Structure Processing Examination

  6. 机械零件的结构工艺性设计研究

    Study on the Technological Efficiency of Design of Machine - part

  7. 特种加工及其对机械制造结构工艺性的影响

    Special Processing and Its Influence on Structural Techniques of Mechanical Manufacture

  8. 中空塑件吹塑模瓶口螺纹型腔结构工艺性分析

    The technological analysis of makeup of threaded neck cavity in blow mold

  9. 经试验验证,改进后的异型箱体结构工艺性大大提高,产品质量稳定可靠。

    Objective is proved to achieve with better performance on improved irregular box .

  10. 综合评价机器结构工艺性的灰模糊方法

    The Fuzzy and Grey Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Processing Property of Mechanical Structure

  11. 利用有限元方法进行零件的结构工艺性分析

    Making Use of Finite Element Method to Analyse the Structure Technics of Part

  12. 基于制造约束的钣金零件结构工艺性评价

    The Evaluation on Structure Process of Sheet Metal Parts Based on Manufacturing Constraints

  13. 电磁轴承-转子系统的设计与结构工艺性分析

    Analysis on Designing and Arts of Magnetic Bearings-rotor System

  14. 结构工艺性冲突解决的知识表示

    Knowledge Representation of Conflict Resolution in Structure Processing

  15. 提高结构工艺性是降低成本的关键

    Improving structure technology & crux to lower cost

  16. 导弹结构工艺性实例分析

    Analysis for Examples of Missile Structure Manufacturability

  17. 基于特征的压铸件结构工艺性评价系统

    Manufacturability Evaluation System for Die Casting Products

  18. 计算机辅助评价零件结构工艺性

    Computer aided evaluating machinability of part constructure

  19. 深沟球轴承自动装配条件下的结构工艺性

    The manufacturability for structure of deep groove ball bearings under the condition of automated assembling

  20. 基于规则的结构工艺性冲突检测

    Rule-based conflict detection in structure manufacturability

  21. 仪器设计的结构工艺性

    Technology in Designing Structure of Instruments

  22. 最后综合考虑机架的结构工艺性及轴承等因素,进一步获得最佳辊距值。

    At last , the fit value of roller spacing is further gottenthinking about structure processing and bearing lifespan .

  23. 通过建立产品结构工艺性定量评价的指标系统,利用价格工程的方法进行定量化评价。

    The stuctural manufacturability of a product can be assessed by establishing quantitative index system and utilizing value engineering method .

  24. 分析了发动机罩的结构工艺性,提出了合理的成形工艺,并对模具的设计、结构、调试作了阐述。

    The technological property of the structure of the automobile engine cover is analyzed and the proper technological process is proposed .

  25. 衡量抗性消声器的性能指标主要包括:插入损失、压力损失、装配性能、结构工艺性和使用寿命。

    The main performances of resistance muffler include insert loss , pressure loss , processing property of manufacture and operational life span .

  26. 基于对某型号汽车离合器盖的结构工艺性分析,提出了一套合理有效的成形工艺。

    Based on structural processing analysis of one kind of automobile clutch shell , a reasonable and effective shaping process was proposed .

  27. 给出了符合加工与装配过程结构工艺性的零部件参数设计和选择的方法。

    According to arts and crafts of process and assemblage , the rational methods were present on parameter design and choice for each component .

  28. 分析了铝合金水龙头零件的结构工艺性特点,介绍了压铸模的浇注系统及模具结构设计。

    The structural characteristics of the aluminum alloy tap part were analyzed , and the design of pouring system and die-casting die structure were introduced .

  29. 特种加工有多种加工方法;特种加工对机械制造及结构工艺性具有重大影响。

    Special processing has its own characteristics different from the traditional mechanic disposal , includes many skills and influences mechanical manufacture and structural technical performance .

  30. 在分析、比较波纹管的几种成形工艺和对该波纹管进行结构工艺性分析的基础上,设计了一套试验模具。

    Based on the analysis and comparison on the moulding technique and structures technology of bellow , a full set of test dies is designed .