
  • 网络association scheme
  1. 由正交拉丁方导出的一族新的结合方案

    A new family of association schemes derived from orthogonal Latin squares

  2. 对称矩阵结合方案中关系图的连通性

    Connectivity of Relation Graph in Association Schemes of Symmetric Matrices

  3. 多载波码分多址(MC-CDMA)技术是OFDM和CDMA技术结合方案中的一种。

    MC - CDMA is an integrated technology of OFDM and CDMA .

  4. MC-CDMA技术是为符合下一代无线通信系统的需要而设计的一种宽带技术,是OFDM与CDMA技术结合方案中的一种。

    MC-CDMA is an integrated technology of OFDM and CDMA , and it is designed to fulfill the requirement of next generation wireless communication system .

  5. 该方案通过域内的LSP扩展,克服了现有MPLS和微移动IP结合方案的一些缺点,并同样支持快速切换和较低的信令开销,而且支持平滑切换。

    Through LSP extension within a domain , this scheme overcomes some defects of current schemes of micro-mobility integrated with MPLS , supports fast and smooth handover and has lower signalling overhead .

  6. 基于这一结合方案,文中又得出了若干PBIB设计。

    Based on the association scheme , a number of PBIB designs are obtained .

  7. 最后,本文提出了PTS与线性压扩的联合改进方案,此方案相比PTS与基于μ律非线性压扩的结合方案具有更好的PAPR性能,而且误码率更低。

    This method combining the combination of PTS and Non-Linear Companding Transform based on μ - law has better PAPR performance and lower bit error rate .

  8. 利用有限仿射几何的m-面构作结合方案和PBIB设计

    Constructing Association Scheme and PBIB Designs with Several Associate Classes Using m-Flats in Affine Geometry

  9. 重点研究了MIMO与智能天线结合方案,在详细分析现有方案的基础上,提出了Turbo-BLAST技术与智能天线波束赋形技术相结合的方案。

    The combination of MIMO with smart antenna scheme is the key point . Based on existing schemes , analysed the proposed scheme that combine Turbo-BLAST technology with smart beamforming technology in detail .

  10. 本文综述了几种InternetQoS技术,包括综合服务(InterServ)模型与RSVP、区分服务(DiffServ)模型、IntServ/DiffServ的整合方案、MPLS与DiffServ的结合方案,以及MPLS流量工程与约束路由等。

    This paper introduces several technologies of Internet QoS which includes the models of IntServ and RSVP , DiffServ , the integration model of IntServ / DiffServ , the Scheme of MPLS integrated DiffServ , the traffic engineering and constraint-based routing of MPLS .

  11. 设Fq是一个q元域,用Fq上仿射辛空间中的全部超平面构作了类数为3的结合方案,并计算了参数。

    Let be the finite field with elements , ASG be the - dimensional affine - symplectic space . Taking the set of all hyper-planes ASG as the set of treatments , we construct association scheme of class 3 , and compute their parameters .

  12. 最后结合方案模型,提出某市的具体建设方案。

    Finally , model , put forward a concrete construction project .

  13. 给出不同的结合方案,并对不同的方案进行了性能仿真和比较。

    Different combination projects and performance simulations are given out .

  14. 空时块码与波束形成结合方案及性能分析

    The Scheme and Performance Analysis of Combined Beamforming With Space-Time Block Coding

  15. 三角形结合方案及其设计的拓广

    The generalization of the trigonometrical association scheme and its design

  16. 关于M3结合方案的拉丁方性与非拉丁方性

    On whether a m_3 association scheme is a Latin square scheme l_3

  17. 结合方案的积扩张与和扩张

    The Product Extension and Sum Extension of Association Schems

  18. 利用射影空间中的埃尔米特簇构作结合方案

    Geometric construction of association schemes from Hermitian varieties in a finite projective space

  19. 两类小结合方案及其相关设计

    Certain small association schemes and related statistical designs

  20. 扩充正交群与结合方案

    Certain Association Schemes Coming from Extended Orthogonal Groups

  21. 奇异正交几何与对称结合方案

    Symmetric association schemes constructed with singular orthogonal geometries

  22. 从非对称平衡不完全区组设计导出的结合方案

    Association schemes derived from asymmetrical Bib design

  23. 对称矩阵结合方案的注记

    Note on Association Schemes of Symmetric Matrices

  24. 利用2v+2维伪辛空间中1维全迷向子空间构作结合方案

    Constructing association scheme with 1-dimensional totally isotropic subspace in 2v + 2-dimensional pseudo symplectic space

  25. 结合方案的图表示

    Graphic Expressions of Association Schemes

  26. 优化中西医结合方案治疗不孕症118例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 118 Cases of Infertility Treated with Optimized Program of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine

  27. 结合方案与码论、设计理论和有限群理论都有密切联系。

    Association schemes have close connections with coding theory , design theory and finite group theory , etc.

  28. 本文应用其结合方案对梅雨期大-暴雨中期过程进行试验。

    In this paper , we have used the combination method to forecast medium-range heavy rain in Mei-yu period .

  29. 实验表明,这种结合方案能够有效的降低时间、空间复杂度,同时显著地增大图像压缩比。

    The results show that the proposed scheme can increase compression ratio and decease computational and space complexities effectively .

  30. 通过理论分析结合方案设计引发了对城市公园景观设计发展的探讨。

    Through the combination of theoretical analysis of design leads to discussion on landscape design of urban park development .