
  • 网络Adjacent Channel Interference
  1. 本文设计的陷波器用于衰减罗兰C接收机的邻道干扰,而且其调谐是在微机管理下处自动进行的。

    The notch filter proposed is used to attenuate the adjacent channel interference in the Loran-C receiver .

  2. 行波管功率放大器(TWTA)是卫星通信星载系统中重要的高功放元件,TWTA的非线性特性会使多载波信号产生交调成份,导致交调失真、邻道干扰,影响通信系统的性能。

    TWTA ( Traveling-wave tube amplifier ) is one of the most important HPA components in satellite communication system . The nonlinear feature of TWTA results in the creation of intermodulation , which can cause intermodulation distortion , adjacent channel interference , and affects the performances of communication system .

  3. 一种用于RFID系统中的邻道干扰解决方法

    One Neighbor Disturbance Solution in RFID System

  4. RFID应用中邻道干扰问题的解决方法

    Solution of " Disturbance between neighboring Traces " in RFID 's Application On the Paradoxes of Tao

  5. 将天线和辐射场的理论应用于实际案例:RFID不停车收费系统中邻道干扰问题。

    The theory of antenna and radiation field is applied to practical case : the problem of interference between adjacent driveways in RFID ETC system .

  6. 结果表明,在有邻道干扰的非线性信道中,具有准恒定包络的DBPOQPSK的功率和频谱效率均优于IJFOQPSk。

    The results show that the power and bandwidth efficiency of the DBP-CQPSK which has a quasi-constant envelop is . superior to that of OQPSK , MSK and IJF-OQPSK in nonlinear and adjacent-channel interference environment .

  7. 关于地震仪邻道干扰的研究

    Study on interference of adjacent channel in seismography

  8. 双工移动通信系统间的同波道、邻道干扰模型

    The mathematical models of co-channel , adjacent channel interference among the duplex mobile communication systems

  9. 对数字陆地移动通信邻道干扰的抑制方法

    The New Method for Suppressing Interfering Signal of Near Channel in the Digital Land Mobile Communication

  10. 本文介绍了在陆地移动通信中的一种邻道干扰抑制方法。

    This paper presents a new method for suppressing interfering signals of near channel in the land mobile communication .

  11. 因此,需要采用线性化技术来提高线性度,减小邻道干扰,同时提高效率。

    Therefore , the linearization methods are needed to improve the linearity , thus reducing the interference and improving the efficiency .

  12. 在无线通信系统中,高功率放大器因其具有非线性特性,会导致频谱再生和邻道干扰等问题。

    In the wireless communication systems , the nonlinearity of high power amplifier ( HPA ) cause spectral spreading and adjacent channel interference .

  13. 其主要原理是从接收信号中计算出不期望的邻道干扰信号,从接收信号中减去它。

    The basic principle is computing the unexpected interfering signals of near channel from the receiving signals , then suppressing the interfering signals .

  14. 本文提供这种方法的实验结果,在瑞利衰落环境下,邻道干扰可衰减16分贝。

    The paper also provides the test result used this method . The interfering signals can be attenuated 16 dB in Rayleigh distribution .

  15. 射频功率放大器是现代通信系统中不可缺少的重要模块,其固有的非线性特性会导致信号失真与邻道干扰。

    RF power amplifiers is a indispensable module in modern communication systems , its inherent nonlinear characteristics would lead to signal distortion and adjacent channel interference .

  16. 邻道干扰频谱中,当两个或两个以上的载波信道相隔太近,他们将互相干扰并影响对方信道的会话。

    Adjacent channel interference when two or more carrier channels are placed too close together in the frequency spectrum , they interfere with each other and mess up each other 's conversations .

  17. 射频功放的非线性失真会使原始输入信号的频谱扩展,扩展的频谱会对邻道信号产生干扰;纵观全球,不少MRI系统厂家外购射频功放和梯度放大器,但很少有外购谱仪的。

    The nonlinearity creates spectral growth beyond the signal bandwidth , which interferes with adjacent channels . Generally speaking , many MRI system manufacturers often purchase RF amplifier and gradient amplifier from the third party company , but they rarely buy the spectrometer .