
  1. 我们一到就受到了邻居们的欢迎。

    Our neighbours made us welcome as soon as we arrived .

  2. 邻居们反映说在中午时分看见他离开了大楼。

    The neighbours reported seeing him leave the building around noon .

  3. 邻居们总是乐于帮忙。

    The neighbours are always willing to lend a hand .

  4. 他与邻居们发生了争执。

    He became embroiled in a dispute with his neighbours .

  5. 竟有这样的暴力行为发生在这一地区,邻居们大为惊骇。

    Neighbours were shocked that such an attack could happen in their area .

  6. 她饶有兴趣地对邻居们的活动说三道四。

    She retailed the neighbours ' activities with relish .

  7. 邻居们发现有烟从这所房子里冒出来。

    Neighbours spotted smoke coming out of the house .

  8. 邻居们借助一把梯子把孩子们从大火中救了出来。

    With the help of a ladder , neighbours were able to rescue the children from the blaze .

  9. 她孑然一身,向邻居们讨饭吃。

    She was living alone , begging food from neighbors .

  10. 邻居们听到了步枪声,就报了警。

    Neighbours heard the sound of rifle fire and alerted the police .

  11. 邻居们认为隔壁的那户人家已经搬走了。

    The neighbors thought the family next door had moved .

  12. 邻居们从对面来到他们这边,一起尽情欢乐。

    Neighbours approached their boundaries from opposite sides and made merry together .

  13. 他摔下来时,惊恐的邻居们赶忙冲过去救他。

    Horrified neighbours rushed to his aid as he fell .

  14. 爱攀比的邻居们很是把“与众不同”当回事。

    The Joneses make a big deal out of being ' different ' .

  15. 邻居们试图想让他自感羞愧而从此闭口,他是不会乖乖就范的。

    He would not let neighbours shame him into silence

  16. 他向警方投诉邻居们太吵闹。

    He has complained to the police about rowdy neighbours

  17. 邻居们最终用一根铁撬把门撬开了。

    Neighbours eventually levered open the door with a crowbar

  18. 邻居们的花园整洁美观。

    The neighbours ' gardens were trim and neat .

  19. 邻居们请我们出去吃饭,给我们衣服,还带我们去远足。

    Neighbours have invited us out , given us clothes , and taken us on excursions

  20. 他不得不小声说,免得被爱管闲事的邻居们听到。

    He was having to whisper in order to avoid being overheard by their nosy neighbours

  21. 我的邻居们是一群爱管闲事的人。

    My neighbours are a bunch of busybodies

  22. 邻居们很敬重他。

    He was esteemed by his neighbours

  23. 觉得情况可疑的邻居们报警后,被囚禁在地下室里的一名女子获了救。

    A woman kept prisoner in a basement was rescued after suspicious neighbours tipped off police .

  24. 几个月前,愤怒的示威者在他的窗下发起了闹哄哄的抗议活动,随后他的邻居们坚决要求加强安全防范。

    Some months ago angry demonstrators mounted a noisy demonstration beneath his window . His neighbours thereupon insisted upon more security .

  25. 邻居们被她的善举深深感动了。

    Her neighbours were deeply moved by her works of charity .

  26. 在邻居们看来,这家人有些古怪。

    According to their neighbours , there was something odd about the family .

  27. 彼得给邻居们打零工。

    Peter does odd jobs for his neighbours .

  28. 那声音大得让邻居们讨厌。

    The noise was so loud that it was a nuisance to the neighbours .

  29. 她喜欢议论邻居们的是非长短。

    She loves to gossip about her neighbours .

  30. 邻居们都目瞪口呆,再不敢动。

    The neighbours all stood aghast , and dared not move .