
  • 网络adjacent;Adjacent Point
  1. 同时引入慢心跳监测技术,采用邻接点监听恢复策略减小结点的故障检测时间间隔;

    At the same time , the slow-heartthrob detection and the adjacent points technique are put forward to reduce the latency of discovering breakdowns .

  2. 基于自然邻接点插值构造的试函数,具有Kroneckerdelta函数性质,能够方便地施加本质边界条件和处理不连续面问题。

    The trial functions which are constructed based on the natural neighbor interpolations have the Kronecker Delta function property , which facilitate imposition of essential boundary conditions and dealing with discontinuity problems .

  3. 方法:在需要固定的前牙舌侧邻接点处(后牙为牙合面)开一条约3mm宽,0.7mm深的沟,完成超强玻璃纤维加流动树脂牙周夹板治疗,经1~4年的随访观察。

    METHODS : A groove about 3 mm wide and 0.7 mm deep on the approximal point of labial lingual or on the center occlusal of molar was made . Followed 1-4 years effects after completed the periodontal splint .

  4. 利用无网格自然邻接点法分析弹塑性材料的大变形问题。

    Applying natural neighbor interpolation to discontinuous deformation analysis of block system ;

  5. 该算法通过挖掘不同时间间隔下的时态关联规则,能较好地处理非拐点的邻接点的趋势分布特征的挖掘,完整地挖掘时态数据趋势分布特征。

    This algorithm can well dispose distributing characters ' mining on neighbor nod by mining temporal association rule during different intervals .

  6. 在三角面片集合的区域增长过程中,提出最小边角积法则搜索合适邻接点以形成新三角面片。

    In the region-growing process of triangulated surfaces , a minimum-edge-angle-product algorithm is presented to select an appropriate point to form a new triangle .

  7. 结论:在区分超声细小纹理,及细小纹理和粗大纹理的分析中,邻接点算子二的确优于邻接点算子一。

    Conclusions : In the differential analysis in small-dots-structure-textures , and between small-dots-structure-texture and other texture , neighborhood pixels calculator two is better than calculator one .

  8. 邻接点算子二和邻接点算子一分析正常乳腺、乳腺脂肪与乳腺浸润性导管癌超声纹理的对比研究

    Comparative Study between Neighborhood Pixels Calculator Two and One in the Ultrasonic Texture Analysis Among Normal Mammary Glands , Normal Mammary Fat and Mammary Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma

  9. 在计算最优路径时从起点出发找到通向高层的邻接点,转向高层进行搜索,如此直到搜索出最优路径。

    When calculating the optimal path , the system starts from initial point and then finds the point which connects the high-level road and then searches in the high-level road until it finds the optimal path .

  10. 该模型通过网络中交换邻接点之间交换检测信息的方法,实现了有效利用网络中已有的检测信息,弥补了在无线网络中的分布式入侵检测模型中单个节点孤立检测的不足。

    This model adopts the method of exchanging intrusion information between exchange-adjacent-nodes to achieve effective use of the existing detection information of other nodes , and fill in the deficiency of single node is isolated with each other in the traditional wireless network distributed intrusion detection model .

  11. 并且利用两点间直线段最短的原理,以当前节点的邻接点与当前点和终点连线夹角最大作为贪婪搜索策略。

    And it makes use of the theory that the beeline is the shortest between two points , and we get the new greedy search strategy , which is determined by the maximum degree that combined by the current node , its nearest node and destination node .

  12. 本文证明了一个非邻接离心点(NAEV)图G是3-自中心图,当且仅当G是一个块并且G的每个顶点都有长度为6的最长局部测地圈。

    This paper further shows that an Non-Adjacent Eccentric Vertex graph G is 3-self-centered if and only if G is a block and for each vertex v of G , there is no cycle locally geodesic at v and of length more than 6.Several algorithm ?

  13. 对于对称面数据完整的缺损颅骨,提出了一种基于几何对称轴修复的改进算法,实现了缺损边界点及其邻接约束点的自动获取,并解决了修复边界以及接茬口不光滑的问题。

    An improved repairing algorithm is presented based on the geometry symmetry for the defective skull whose symmetry side data are integrity . It can be used to automatically get the point of defective boundary and abutting restriction , and solve the problem of non-smooth surface . 3 .

  14. 本文提出了有效关联矩阵、升阶邻接矩阵、点的归宿等一些新概念,对最大权匹配算法作了一些改进。

    Some new concepts of efficient incidence matrix , ascending order adjacency matrix and vertex end-result are introduced , and some improvements of the maximum weight matching algorithm are made .

  15. 利用图论中的邻接矩阵作为转换点,深度优先搜索整个有向图,可以得到所有可能的切分形式。

    Using graph theory of adjacency matrix as a conversion , a depth-first search to the entire map , can be cut at all possible paths .

  16. 特征的语义与属性在建模过程中保持不变,利用特征名对特征的拓扑面进行命名,然后根据拓扑边和拓扑点的邻接面对边和点进行命名。

    The semantic and attribute of feature is unchangeable in process of modeling . Topological face is named by using feature name , and topological edge and vertex are named by using adjacent faces of them .