
  • 网络mean-field approximation;mean field approximation
  1. 本文在平均场近似下,用路径积分方法,对由超导-阵列-超导结(S-G-S)组成的隧道结的Josephson特性进行了研究。

    Under the mean-field approximation , the Josephson tunnelling of superconductor-grain-superconductor junction is analyzed in this paper by using the path-integral formulation .

  2. 在平均场近似下,探讨了fermion-spin理论中的投影算符对系统的物理性质的影响。

    Within the mean-field approximation , we discuss effects of the projection operator in the fermion-spin theory .

  3. 应用键算符表象方法,在平均场近似下研究了自旋1/2量子XY模型的基态性质。

    The ground-state properties of spin-1 / 2 quantum XY model are studied by the bond-operator mean-field approach .

  4. 在平均场近似理论下,描述该现象的模型为NLS类方程。

    In the mean field approximation theory , this phenomenon is described with NLS-typed equation .

  5. 在平均场近似下,我们将模型的Ginzburg-Landau(GL)自由能分解为两个准一维GL自由能之和;

    In the mean field approximation , the model Ginzburg-Landau ( GL ) free energy is seperated into two one-dimensional GL free energy .

  6. 在核物理中,平均场近似是非常有效的研究核多体系统性质的方法。相对论平均场理论(RMF)即是其中的典型代表。

    In nuclear physics , the mean field theory is an effective method to study the nu-clear many-body system .

  7. 我们用格林函数得到两分量BEC能谱,从能谱的角度分析了超流-绝缘相变,并结合用平均场近似的方法得到的相图做以说明。

    We get the Energy spectrum of two component BEC by Green function technique and analyze superfluid-Mott insulator phase transition , and phase diagram by mean-field approach .

  8. 进一步,我们将腔内含单个原子情形推广到含N个原子的情形,并利用平均场近似研究了这个光纡耦合腔阵系统的量子相变问题,得到了腔内不同原子数情形的相图。

    Moreover , we generalize the one-atom case to the N-atom case and use the mean field approximation to explore the quantum phase transition in this many body system . The phase di-agrams are obtained for cases with different numbers of atoms in single cavity .

  9. 同时本文还证实,采用夹杂均匀应变假定并利用Hill界面条件于两相体内可导出Mori-Tanaka平均场近似。

    In addition , incorporating the assumption that the strain in the inclusion is uniform into Hill ′ s interfacial condition can lead to Mori Tanaka average field approximation was discovered in this paper .

  10. 将格点规范理论中的演化分布函数逐步地分解为单链变量分布函数的乘积,我们得到了Fokker-Planck方程的平均场近似解。

    By decomposing the distribution function f lattice gauge system into the product of single link distribution functions , we obtained a mean field solution to the Fokker-Planck equation in Lattice Gauge Theories .

  11. 因为介子涨落效应,在平均场近似存在的Sarma相被排除掉,在低同位旋化学势时的π超流的Bose-Einstein凝聚区间也被明显地缩小。

    Due to the meson fluctuations , the Sarma phase which exists at mean field level is washed away , and the Bose-Einstein condensation region at low isospin density is highly suppressed .

  12. 我们应用平均场近似和微扰论得出~7Li原子的相图,该相图与光学晶格中具有两体排斥相互作用的原子的相图一样,由超流相和Mott绝缘相组成。

    The phase diagram for ~ 7Li atoms within a mean-field approximation is found to be composed of the superfluid and Mott-insulator phases as for bosonic atoms with a repulsive two-body interaction .

  13. 运用共振价键概念和Schwinger-Boson平均场近似,研究了二维正方格子上的各向异性Heisenberg反铁磁性。

    Using the Resonant Valence Bond ( RVB ) concept and the Schwinger-Boson Mean Field approximation , this paper investigates a two dimensional ( square lattice ) anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet .

  14. 根据多元统计中的因子分析模型,改变其假设条件,从而得到一种有噪声ICA模型,对于模型参数,引入平均场近似(MeanFieldApproximation,MFA)原理来求解。

    In this paper , these conditions were changed by the factor analysis in multi-variable statistics and a noisy ICA model was formed . The theory of Mean Field Approximation ( MFA ) in statistical physics was used to estimate the model parameters .

  15. 本文应用slave-boson技巧,在平均场近似下,计算外加磁场作用下重电子金属的比热系数和磁化强度。

    The specific heat coefficient and magnetization of the heavy electron metals in a nonzero magnetic field are calculated by using the slave boson mean field theory .

  16. 首先详细讨论了各向同性XY模型中的Jordan-Wigner费米子平均场近似处理,然后单独给出了用费米子描述的考虑了易辛项在内的海森伯模型。

    Firstly , the mean-field-like treatment of the Jordan-Wigner fermions for the isotropic XY model is discussed in detail . Then the consideration of Heisenberg model with Ising term in fermionic language is given separately .

  17. 本文从修改了的Kobayashi-McMillan哈密顿量出发,(1)在平均场近似下计算了长棒形液晶分子的相图;

    Starting from a modified Kobayashi-McMillan hamiltonian , ( 1 ) phase diagrams of liquid crystals of long molecules are calculated in the mean field approximation ;

  18. 最后利用格林函数方法讨论了光格子中超冷原子的能带结构,根据Mott相存在能隙的判据我们在平均场近似下重新得到superfluid-Mott相变条件,该结论与相关文献一致。

    Lastly , we discuss the energy-band structure of ultracold atoms in optical lattice by means of Green function method and in addition , procure the superfluid-Mott phase transition condition in mean-field approximation which is in agreement with the result in the literature .

  19. 在平均场近似下通过相平面(phasespace)分析的方法研究了两种自俘获的机理:1)势阱中的粒子数在平衡位置附近振动,而相对相位随时间单调变化(running-phase);

    Two kinds of self-trapping are discussed through phase space analysis in the mean-field approximation : 1 ) The number of atoms oscillates near an equilibrium point in the phase space , while relative phase increases monotonously with time ( running-phase );

  20. 对Dirichlet-Dirichlet(D,D)边界条件,我们得到了平均场近似的结果,虽然只是很粗糙的近似,与实验结果定性上符合得也比较好。

    For Dirichlet-Dirichlet boundary conditions we have got the results in a mean-field approximative ( MFA ) . Although MFA is a very rough approximation , the theoretic predictions of Casimir pressure scaling function have the qualitative features of the experimental data .

  21. 金属表面化学吸附系统结构相变的平均场近似模型

    Mean Field Approximation Model for Structural Phase Transitions in Chemisorption Systems

  22. 采用平均场近似后,进一步完成泛函积分可以推导出配分函数的具体表达。

    After mean field approximation , the partition function can be derived .

  23. 平均场近似是常用的近似之一。

    The mean field approximation is often used .

  24. 孤粒子袋模型的平均场近似法

    Mean-field approximation for soliton bag model

  25. 在平均场近似下求得了星型高分子共混体系的混合自由能及其相分离动力学方程。

    Under the mean-field approximation , the free-energy functional of binary mixtures of star-like polymers is derived .

  26. 平均场近似方法计算格点规范理论的强弱耦合过渡点

    Calculation of the Strong and Weak Coupling Crossover Points of Lattice Gauge Theory with Mean Field Approximation Method

  27. 同时对类平均场近似方法进行了讨论,并将其预言与非平衡相变模型的精确的数值结果进行了比较。

    A mean-field-like approximation is discussed and its predictions are compared with the exact numerical results for the model .

  28. 本文应用平均场近似的方法,研究了弱耦合的三势阱中玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的开关效应。

    We propose a scheme utilizing mean-field approach to exhibits switch effect in a symmetrical Bose-Einstein condensates triple-well potential .

  29. 使用平均场近似,将高分子链间的协同作用表述为高分子链的排除体积效应。

    In the mean field approximation , the chain cooperativity is treated as the effective excluded volume potential energy .

  30. 在平均场近似下求出的状态方程包含了动态斯塔克效应及弛豫时间参数。

    The two-photon equation of state including dynamical Stark shift and relaxation parameters is obtained and studied under mean-field approximation .