
  • 网络smooth speed regulating;stepless speed control
  1. 通过改变PWM模值来控制针、梭电机转速,同时以动态脉冲分配方式控制X、Y轴运动,实现绗缝运动步距均匀,并通过构造加减速曲线来实现平滑调速,降低机械谐振。

    Through changing the PWM mode value , it controls motors speed of pin and spindle . At the same time , it controls movement of X-axis and Y-axis by the way of dynamic pulse allocation which realizes uniform step in the quilting process .

  2. 从结果中看出,该系统可以在1&18Hz范围内连续平滑调速,且波形较为理想。

    Also included in the article are experimental results which testify that the system executes stepless speed regulation ranging from 1 to 18 Hz with acceptable waveform .

  3. 该方法通过分级调节转子回路附加电阻,难以实现无级平滑调速,调节性能差。

    This method regulates speed by changing the number of steps of the additional resistor in the rotor circuit , so it 's hard to realize smooth speed-regulation .

  4. 变频调速技术以其显著的节能效果及优质无级平滑调速,高精度地控制工艺参数等优点,在石油化工企业普遍推广使用。

    The technology of frequency converting for speed control has been widely used with outstanding energy_saving effect and premium stepless speed regulating smoothly and process parameters of high accuracy control .

  5. 本文介绍了一个控制桥式起重机的变频调速系统,它根据桥吊的特殊性能要求,采用矢量控制方式,具备平滑调速、能量回馈、顺序制动等功能。

    According to the special requires of bridge crane , it adopts the vector control theory , has functions of regulating speed smoothly , energy feed back , sequence brake etc.

  6. 在不需要复杂坐标变换的前提下,提出了其恒功率角控制策略,该控制策略不仅可以得到良好的动态性能,而且能够实现宽广范围的平滑调速。

    Based on simple coordinate transformation , the constant power angle control strategy is proposed . The control system realizes not only speed control over a wide range but also good dynamic characteristic .

  7. 硬件电路与软件程序结合,实现内同步运行和平滑调速,有效驱动飞行器,实现飞行姿态调整。

    By combining the hardware circuit with software program , features as synchronous operation and smooth speed control of the drive system are realized ; the system can eventually drive the aircraft effectively and achieve flight attitude adjustment .

  8. 其转速精度高、转速范围大且为平滑无级调速。

    High velocity precision , wide speed range and stepless speed adjustment are realized .

  9. 矢量变频器因其显著的节能效果和平滑的调速性能,备受科技工作者关注。

    For the reason of great energy saving effect and smooth speed control characteristic , vector-controlled inverter has attracted more and more attention .

  10. 它采用非接触式换向,除了具有有刷电机的一系列优点外,还具有寿命长、噪声低、运行可靠以及能在较广范围内平滑地调速等一系列优点。

    Besides owning the good characters of Brush DC motor , it also has some other advantages such as long life , low noise , reliable operation , and can be regulated in a large range smoothly due to its non-contact commutator .

  11. 这种电机能在比较宽广的范围内,实现平滑的无级调速。

    It can achieve stepless speed regulating smoothly in the broad range .

  12. 由于直流调速拖动系统平滑稳定,调速范围宽,因此,容易实现自动化,并在新建厂矿企业广泛应用。

    Because of the DC speed governor driving system stability , wide speed control range , easy automatization and it 's widely used in new built factory .

  13. 该方案不但可以弥补齿形皮带机构调节配比的不足,而且还具有操作过程简单,能实现平滑的无级调速,控制精度较高及系统体积小、质量轻、节约电能、便于维护等优点;

    This method not only can make up the defects appearing in the conventional one , but also has the advantages such as simplicity of operation , smooth speed variation , high control accuracy and the system being small , light , energy saving and convenient for maintenance .