
  • 网络regenerative energy
  1. 履带装甲车辆电传动系统再生能量分析与仿真

    Study and Simulation on Regenerative Energy of Electric Drive System in Tracked Vehicle

  2. 电传动坦克制动时产生的再生能量如果得不到很好的处理,不仅会造成能量的浪费,还会破坏整个电传动系统的正常工作。

    Regenerative energy produced when electrical driving tank is braked will not only be wasted but also destroy the whole system if it can 't be disposed with a good method .

  3. 卷染机新型控制系统设计及再生能量的利用

    Design of Jig 's New Control System and Utilization of Regenerated Energy

  4. 变频器再生能量回馈的新方法

    New Way of Regenerating Energy Feedback for Frequency Converter

  5. 一种可以用于变频器再生能量回馈的斩波-逆变方法

    A Choping-Inverting Method Used in Inverter Generated Power Feedback

  6. 从技术和经济这2个方面论述了电阻式再生能量吸收设备的优越性;

    Illustrates resistance type regenerative braking and absorption equipment in terms of technology and economy ;

  7. 利用超级电容可以迅速地吸收和释放制动再生能量。

    The breaking energy can be recovered and then released quickly with the super capacitor .

  8. 多电机拖动变频调速系统再生能量调度控制

    Scheduling Control of the Regenerative Energy Produced in Speed Control System of Frequency Conversion by Multimotor Driving

  9. 同时它也不会像DC/AC转换器那样,反馈电梯电机再生能量给电网,对电网造成干扰,保证了电网的供电安全。

    And it also does not like the DC / AC converter to feedback energy to the grid .

  10. 给出一种泵升电压控制电路的设计方法,将再生能量回馈到电网。

    A simple circuit is designed to feedback energy regenerated by the motor when it turns off or brakes .

  11. 本文重点介绍了超级电容储能型和逆变回馈并网型再生能量处理方式的原理,主要硬件构成和所采用的控制方法。

    This article mainly introduces the super capacitor energy storage type and inverter feedback interconnection type , including their hardware structure and control methods .

  12. 消除过电压主要通过设置变频器的减速时间、能量消耗、回馈电网制动以及共用直流母线吸收再生能量几种方法消除。

    The ways of cancelling over voltage are setting up deceleration time , consumption of energy , feedback electric network brake and shared direct current bus bar soaking regenerated energy .

  13. 电路原理设计简洁、清晰、可靠;控制策略稳定、精确,较好的实现了电梯再生能量的馈网回收利用。

    The circuit design is simple , clear and reliable , the control strategies are also stable and accurate . It can actualize the elevator renewable energy feedback grid-connected of recycling better .

  14. 目前工程中推出的起重机动力系统节能方案主要集中于通过驱动电机在位能负载拖动下产生再生能量并将该能量回收储存和再利用。

    Currently , energy saving solutions of crane in engineering is mainly focused on the energy storage and reuse of the renewable energy from the driving motor which is dragged by potential load .

  15. 目前,垂直电梯普遍采用投入能耗电阻的方式,来消耗掉电梯特殊工况下的再生能量,以避免该能量对其它器件的损害。

    At present , the vertical elevator generally uses the way of inputing energy resistance , so as to consume renewable energy in special condition , and then avoids the damage of the energy to other devices .

  16. 本文所采用的地面电阻吸收过剩的再生能量方法不但能有效地防止再生失效,而且能够避免车辆重量增加和隧道温升的缺点。

    The method used in this paper of rounding resistor can absorb the surplus of regeneration . The method will not only effectively prevent the failure of regeneration , but also avoid vehicle weight increase and temperature rise inside the tunnel .

  17. 为了降低隧道洞体和车站内温度并提高洞内空气质量,应当进行再生能量吸收的相关技术系统研究并在地铁工程中使用成熟的再生能量回收装置。

    For it is very significant to systematically study the regenerative energy absorption technology and apply the proved regenerative energy recycling equipment in subway projects so as to decrease the temperature in tunnel and station and increase the air quality in tunnel .

  18. 催化裂化再生烟气能量回收系统的风险决策

    Risk decision on energy recovery system from catalytic cracking flue gas

  19. 混合电动汽车再生制动能量控制系统设计

    Design of Regenerative Braking Energy Reclaim Control System for Hybrid Electrical Vehicle

  20. 城市轻轨再生制动能量吸收的仿真研究

    Research of Simulation of Energy Absorption in City Light Railway Regenerative Braking

  21. 首先进行计算城轨车辆再生制动能量。

    First , calculation the regenerative braking energy of urban rail transit vehicle .

  22. 地铁再生制动能量吸收装置的控制系统

    Control System of Metro Regenerative Braking Energy Absorption Device

  23. 模块化再生制动能量利用系统及其控制策略

    Modularized Regenerating Energy Utilization System and Its Control Strategy

  24. 重庆单轨交通再生制动能量地面吸收装置的应用

    Application of Trackside Absorbing Device of Regenerated Brake Energy for Monorail Transit in Chongqing

  25. 对比仿真结果分析了固定档与两档传动系统方案对再生制动能量回收的影响。

    Compare the influence of the fixed-gear program and two-speed program on regenerative braking energy .

  26. 回收再生烟气能量降低催化装置能耗

    Redeemed the Energy of Rebirth Smoke Gas to Reduce the Energy Lossing of Catalysing Device

  27. 提出了一种利用超级电容实现电动汽车再生制动能量回收的方法,对电动汽车再生制动中使用的储能装置&超级电容的控制系统进行了研究。

    A method that using super capacitor to regenerate braking energy of electric vehicle is advanced .

  28. 一个模块产生了的限制,可能会被另一个模块强化此限制效应。模块化再生制动能量利用系统及其控制策略

    Restrictions imposed by one might be reinforced by another . Modularized Regenerating Energy Utilization System and Its Control Strategy

  29. 如何利用合适的储能装置吸收利用再生制动能量是城市轨道研究的一个热点课题。

    How to use the proper energy storage device to absorption and utilization of regenerative braking is a hot topic of energy .

  30. 本论文属于再生制动能量的研究范围,研究以汽车减速及制动能量回收再利用为目的的液压节能驱动系统。

    This thesis belongs to the research of the third aspect , the compound drive system is used to regenerate the loss energy .