
  • 网络secondary metal
  1. 介绍了世界废钢铁、再生铝、再生铜、再生铅锌、再生贵金属等的生产现状,指出了再生金属产业的广阔前景。

    This paper describes current production status of iron and steel scrap , secondary aluminum , secondary copper , secondary lead and zinc , and secondary precious metals in the world and pointes out the broad prospects of secondary metal industry .

  2. 我国再生金属资源利用潜力研究及对策

    Study and Countermeasures on Potential of Utilizing Regenerated Metal Resources in China

  3. 再生金属产业开启十一五循环经济新时代&盘点2006年中国再生金属产业

    Nonferrous Metals Industry Start the New Era of 11th Five-Year Planning Recycling Economy

  4. 再生金属的回收与综合利用原则

    Principle of reclamation and comprehensive utilization of secondary metals

  5. 中国宁波再生金属资源加工园区

    Ningbo Recycling Resources Processing Park , China

  6. 由热镀锌灰、锌渣湿法再生金属锌的研究

    Recovery of Metallic Zinc Dross and Ash Formed in Hot Galvanizing Zinc by Means of Hydrometallurgy

  7. 通过分析、对比、总结世界各国及我国矿产资源综合利用的现状,阐述了再生金属的回收与综合利用的原则,提出了解决矿产资源问题的途径。

    Based on analysis and comparison , the paper discusses current situation of utilization of mineral resources in China and the world , proposes the principle of reclamation and comprehensive utilization of secondary metals , and puts forward several ways to resolve it .

  8. 所有铝金属表壳都采用100%再生铝金属制造,Series7中所有的磁体都采用100%再生稀土元素。

    All aluminum watch cases are made with 100 % recycled metal and all magnets in Series 7 use 100 % recycled rare earth elements .

  9. 现在每一台的iPad机身都是由100%再生铝金属制造的。

    Every single iPad in the lineup now features a 100 % recycled aluminum enclosure .

  10. 两款iPad机型的机身均由100%再生铝金属制造。

    Both of these iPad models are built with a 100 % recycled aluminum enclosure .

  11. 催化裂化再生催化剂金属沉积量的预测

    Prediction of metal deposition on catalyst in a fluid catalytic cracker

  12. 中国再生有色金属工业的现状及发展趋势

    Secondary non-ferrous metals industry in china : present situation and development trend

  13. 国内外再生有色金属概况

    General Situation of Non-ferrous Metals Regeneration at Home and Abroad

  14. 实现广东再生有色金属工业可持续发展的战略

    Strategies for accomplishment of sustained development of secondary nonferrous metals industry in Guangdong Province

  15. 印刷制版和电路板腐蚀液的再生及金属铜的回收

    On Recycling of the Solution from Printing and Circuit board and the reusing of Copper

  16. 本文阐述了发展再生有色金属产业的重要意义,分析了我国再生有色金属产业的发展现状和存在的问题,提出了对增强我国再生有色金属产业整体竞争实力的对策和建议。

    In this paper , the important significance of development of secondary metal industry is expounded , and the development and existing problems in domestic secondary metals industry are analyzed . Moreover , countermeasures and suggestions for strengthening integrated competitive power of domestic secondary nonferrous metals industry are presented .

  17. 吸附了金属离子的树脂可经5%~10%盐酸再生并回收金属离子。

    The resin adsorbing metal ion can be regenerated by 5 % ~ 10 % hydrochloric acid .

  18. 磷矿作为难以再生的非金属矿资源和重要生命元素之一,尤其受到各国政府以及国际资源投机资本的关注。

    Phosphate ore has drawn great attention from governments and international resource capital because it is a kind of non-renewable resource and is also one of most significant elements needed by all life .

  19. 研究结果对于全面了解柴油机微粒金属丝网过滤体的反吹再生系统性能以及金属丝网过滤体的结构设计和反吹再生系统的设计具有重要的意义。

    The results of study are very important to the understanding of the characteristics of the reverse cleaning system of diesel emission particulate metal mesh filter entirely and to the design of the metal mesh filter structure and the reverse cleaning system .

  20. 本文提出了材料再生循环指标的概念,并利用材料再生循环指标对金属资源寿命重新进行评估。

    The material recirculation index is brought into this article to be used for reappraisal of the metal resource life .