
  • 网络recrystallization annealing;full annealing;recrystallization;annealing
  1. 且分别针对冷轧ELC-BH钢板及1060(L2)工业纯铝板进行了退火实验和模拟研究,证实了该模型是合理的且较好地模拟了实际变形织构材料的再结晶退火过程组织演变。

    The simulation researches and the experiments of annealing processes of ELC-BH steel plate and commercial pure aluminum ( 1060 ) plate are carried out , respectively . The results verify the rationality of the recrystallization annealing model for textural materials .

  2. 快速再结晶退火过程金属晶粒度的计算

    Prediction of the Grain Size in Rapid Recrystallization Annealing

  3. 再结晶退火对Ni(47)Ti(44)Nb9合金冷轧板相组成及板材织构的影响

    Effect of Recrystallization Annealing on Constitutional Phases and Texture of Cold-rolled Ni_ ( 47 ) Ti_ ( 44 ) Nb_9 Sheet

  4. 试样取向对再结晶退火态Zr-4合金在室温下的低周疲劳将产生影响。R向试样的低周疲劳性能明显优于T向试样的低周疲劳性能。

    The low-cycle fatigue behavior of R specimen is better than that of T specimen at room temperature .

  5. 冷轧无取向硅钢再结晶退火过程的EBSD分析

    EBSD investigation of cold-rolled non-oriented silicon steel in recrystallization annealing process

  6. 再结晶退火的工艺参数为400℃xlh。关键词:超细铜锌粉末;

    The optimum parameter of recrystallization annealing heat treatment is 400 ℃× 1h .

  7. 研究了再结晶退火温度、退火时间对Ti-IF钢合金化热镀锌板的钢基组织织构及析出相的影响。

    The effect of recrystallization annealing temperature and annealing time on the microstructure and precipitation phase of alloying hot dip galvanized sheet are investigated in this paper .

  8. 本文提出利用热处理工艺改善再结晶退火态M5锆合金的组织和性能,旨在提高核燃料包壳的寿命,为促进核燃料包壳国产化提供一定的理论参考和依据。

    In order to extend the life of nuclear fuel cladding tubes , this paper proposes to improve microstructure and properties by heat treatment of M5 zirconium alloys on recrystallization annealing state .

  9. 本文以取向硅钢为研究对象,对其进行了冷轧、再结晶退火等处理,分别利用光学显微镜、X衍射技术和EBSD技术进行显微组织观察、宏观织构测定和微观晶粒取向测定。

    In this experiment , the microstructure is observed with optical microscope , the X-ray texture analyses and EBSD technology are performed to the macroscopical texture and microcosmic grain orientation measurement of Grain-oriented Silicon Steel samples after cold rolling and recrystallization annealing .

  10. 挤压态材料经350℃×30min再结晶退火转变为等轴细晶组织,平均晶粒尺寸已达到5μm左右。

    And the transition of fibrous-to-coaxial grains take place during the recrystallization annealing at 350 ℃× 30 min after extrusion , the average grain size is about 5 μ m.

  11. 主要研究结果如下:利用光学金相显微镜,透射电镜,扫描电镜等分析方法对再结晶退火态的M5锆合金进行组织结构研究。

    The main research results are as follows : Using optical metallographic microscope , transmission electron microscopy , scanning electron microscopy and other analysis methods to research on microstructure of recrystallization annealing state of M5 zirconium alloys .

  12. EBSD结果显示,初次再结晶退火后样品内部Goss取向晶粒主要分布在表层,并且随退火温度的提高,Goss晶粒含量降低,但晶粒尺寸同平均尺寸相比逐渐增大。

    EBSD results show that Goss oriented grains mainly locate at surface layer after primary recrystallization annealing . With the annealing temperature rising , the content of Goss grains decreases while the grain size becomes lager than average size .

  13. 采用同步、异步、同步与异步组合等多种轧制方法,将0.30mm厚的取向硅钢带(工业成品)冷轧到0.10mm以下,在纯氢气炉中进行再结晶退火。

    The commercial grain oriented silicon steel 0 . 30 mm thick was cold rolled to thinner than 0.10 mm by different rolling methods respectively , then annealed in a pure hydrogen atmosphere furnace .

  14. 在轧后再结晶退火时,基体中的高密度位错提供了超常的驱动力,使再结晶晶核尺寸小于1μm,400℃和500℃退火后钢板的晶粒尺寸分别为52nm和316nm。

    Recrystallization driven by ultra-high density of dislocations in matrix , making the nucleus size less than 1 μ m. The grain size of steel sheet annealed at 400 ℃ and 500 ℃ was 52 nm and 316 nm respectively .

  15. IF钢再结晶退火过程中析出相行为研究

    Behavior of Second-Phase Particles in IF Steels during Recrystallization Annealing Process

  16. 因此,对热轧板进行再结晶退火是必要的。

    Therefore , the recrystallization annealing after hot rolling is essential .

  17. 再结晶退火对稀土铝箔组织与织构的影响

    Influence of recrystallization annealing on microstructure and texture of the RE aluminum foil

  18. 再结晶退火IF深冲钢板的微观组织特征

    Microstructure characters of recrystallized if deep drawing steel sheet

  19. 铝镇静钢冷轧薄板再结晶退火过程的晶体空间取向分布

    Spatial orientation distribution of crystallites in cold-rolled Al-killed steel sheet during recrystallization annealing

  20. 罩式炉再结晶退火钢卷氧化的分析及预防

    Analysis on oxidation of cold-rolled coil in recrystallization annealing process and its precautionary measures

  21. 再结晶退火降低了Mg-3Al-2Sc合金的疲劳抗力。

    The fatigue resistance decrease after full annealing .

  22. 钽钛合金再结晶退火工艺研究

    Study on Recrystallization Anneal Technology of Ta-Ti Alloy

  23. 不同的再结晶退火温度与试样的显微硬度表现出复杂关系。

    The different recrystallization annealing temperature and the micro-hardness of sample show the complex relationship .

  24. 再结晶退火对荫罩带钢力学性能和微观组织的影响

    The Effect of Recrystallization Annealing on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Steel Strip for Shadow Mask

  25. 结果显示,再结晶退火态组织为等轴晶粒,晶粒较为规整,晶粒尺寸细小,再结晶状态良好。

    The results indicate that the recrystallization annealing microstructure is equiaxed grains . The grans size are small .

  26. 本文主要研究了再结晶退火工艺对国产高纯铝箔表面立织构度的影响。

    This paper studies the effects of annealing process on the surface cube texture of home-made high-purity aluminum foil .

  27. 在测定临界真应变和确定再结晶退火制度后,获得了尺寸在1μm以下的超细晶。

    Super fine grain under 1 μ m can be obtained after measuring the marginal true strain and recrystallization annealing .

  28. 与单向轧制不同,多向冷轧再结晶退火后仍然保留了部分变形织构。

    Simultaneously , the deformation texture is retained after recrystallization annealing for clock cold rolling , which is different from undirection rolling .

  29. 结果表明:立方织构{001}<100>是在再结晶退火过程中形成和发展的;

    The results show that cube texture ( { 001 } < 100 > ) was formed and developed during process of recrystallization .

  30. 对轴承钢盘条在强对流罩式炉中的退火工艺进行试验,摸索出一套球化退火和再结晶退火工艺。

    To do anneal process of bearing steel wire rod experiments with the furnace , a set of spheroidizing and recrystallization annealing process is found out .