
  • Disposable Tableware;disposable dishware
  1. 本文详细介绍了一次性餐具发展概况和趋势,介绍了一次性可饲餐具制造原理,讨论了若干一次性可饲餐具的研究及其存在的问题

    The detailed general situation and tendency of developing disposable tableware and the principle of making disposable feeding tableware are introduced in this paper . Some researches on disposable feeding tableware and some problems in them are discussed

  2. 加拿大一枝黄花可替代木材,加工造纸,生产一次性餐具或者其他产品;

    And that would can be made into the paper and the disposable tableware or other products instead of the wood ;

  3. 稻壳制一次性餐具成形工艺R值研究

    The Research of R About the Forming Technology of the Fully-Degradable Environment-Harmless Disposable Rice-Hull Dinnerware

  4. 介绍如何将PLC(可编程控制器)用于一次性餐具压摸成型机的控制系统,分析其硬件系统与软件系统的基本组成和基本功能。

    The paper recommends how programmable logic controller is used in the control system of the press forming machine and analyses its main sets and functions of the system .

  5. 集成式植物纤维一次性餐具成型机

    Integrated shaper for expendable tableware of plant fiber

  6. 阐述了可降解一次性餐具的发展状况和它们对环境保护所起的作用。

    The status of the degradable throwaway tableware and their effect on protection environment were recounted .

  7. 叙述了秸杆、甘蔗渣和淀粉一次性餐具的生产现状;分析了生产成本和生产效率;

    Simultaneous the status of producing straw and starch throwaway tableware was explained and production cost and productivity were also analyzed .

  8. 大约有半数的一次性餐具是不安全的,其制作材料中含有超标的可致癌化学品。

    About half of the disposable dishware used in the country is unsafe , with excessive amounts of chemicals that can cause cancer .

  9. 一次性餐具在日常生活中极其普遍,将玻璃、瓷器、金属制品取而代之的是一次性外带杯,一次性盘子,一次性餐具等。

    It is becoming more and more common these days for people to use throw away cups , plates , and cutlery instead of glass , china , and metal .

  10. 一次性纸质餐具纤维素纤维的降解特性研究

    Study on Cellulose 's Degradation of One-Single Used Paper-Based Container

  11. 坚决淘汰一次性发泡餐具积极开发新的产品

    Eliminate Disposable Foamed Tableware Firmly Develop New Products Actively

  12. 一次性环保餐具发展现状和实现大规模生产的措施

    Development status of the throwaway environment protection tableware and measure for large scale production

  13. 利用一次性纸质餐具生产酒精

    Production of Cellulose Alcohol with Disposable Paper-Tableware

  14. 一次性环保餐具的现状及对策

    Status and Countermeasure of Disposable Environment-Protecting Tableware

  15. 到今年年底,将禁止生产及销售一次性泡沫塑料餐具和塑料棉签。

    The production and sales of single-use foam plastic tableware and plastic swabs will be banned by the end of this year .

  16. 一次性塑料餐具的大量使用给环境造成越来越大的危害,已引起全社会的关注。

    A lot of one way-used plastic containers lead to more and more harm to environment , and this has caused the national attention .

  17. 前言:为了解决日益严重的“白色污染”问题,开发研制一种有效的一次性环保餐具具有重要意义。

    In order to solve the more serious " white pollution " environmental problem , it is significant greatly to exploit and develop a kind of effective single-use degradable environment-protecting tableware .

  18. 上海从2000年10月起,对一次性塑料餐具的回收处置建立了基于生产者责任的市场机制,由于一次性塑料饭盒的区域回收网络建设滞后,实施的效果有效但仍有限。

    From October 2000 in Shanghai , the marketing mechanism of producer responsibility was established for reclamation and disposition of one-off plastic tableware ; and its implement results were effective but still limited due to stagnation of establishing region reclamation .

  19. 早籼稻谷生产一次性可降解餐具的工业化开发

    Industrial Production of Degradable One-Way Tableware from Early Long-Corn Rice

  20. 一次性可降解餐具的研究与应用现状

    The Study and Application Situation of One-off Degradable Tableware

  21. 给出了一种用于一次性白色圆形餐具表面污渍检测算法的设计思路。

    An image processing algorithm for detecting disposable circular tableware surface defects is proposed .

  22. 正在崛起的一次性植物秸杆餐具

    Springing up Disposable Plant Straw Tableware

  23. 还研究开发出日产20万只早籼稻谷制一次性可降解餐具成套生产线。

    The production line for 200 000 pieces of this tableware per day was researched and developed .

  24. 一次性可降解餐具转化为生产力的影响因素

    A Study on the Affect Factors to Transform Real Productive Forces for Single Use and Degradable Lunch Container

  25. 这能减少一次性杯子和餐具的废弃量——但是,这就意味着洗餐具要消耗很多水。

    This saves throwing away disposable cups and containers -- but that could be outweighed by washing your cutlery .

  26. 这能减少一次性杯子和餐具的废弃量&但是,这就意味着洗餐具要消耗很多水。

    This saves throwing away disposable cups and containers - but that could be outweighed by washing your cutlery .

  27. 纸浆模塑餐具是一次性可降解餐具中生产厂家最多,生产量最大的产品之一,但是其生产成本较高。

    The output of this tableware is the largest in one-off degradable tableware , but high in the production cost .

  28. 稻壳碗颜色浅,质地均匀,表面平整光洁,强度好,其负重性能值小于2.5,达到《一次性可降解餐具通用技术条件》所规定的负重性能值小于5的标准。

    The W value of rice hull bowl is under 2.5 better than the requirements of general specification for single use and degradable lunch container and drinking set .

  29. 条例规定,旅馆不得主动提供拖鞋、浴帽等一次性日用品,餐饮服务提供者和餐饮配送服务提供者不得主动提供一次性餐具。

    According to the regulation , if not requested by guests , hotels should not provide disposable slippers and shower caps , while restaurants and food delivery businesses should not provide disposable cutlery .